[3] - headache

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I walked into math class with a groan. I had a bad headache and I knew algebra would do nothing to soothe it. I slumped in my seat and clutched the side of my head in pain, grumbling as the teacher started the class.

I didn't do much note taking. I just wasn't in the mood for it, but I knew I would suffer tomorrow since I was terrible at math—even with notes. Without them, I'd be a numerical joke.

But as the class ended and I trudged out of my seat, already regretting not focusing, the girl behind me—the sweater girl—tapped my shoulder.

"Here," she said as I turned around and she handed me some notes. "You didn't take any today. I figured it was because of your headache. You can copy them and give them back to me tomorrow."

I was admittedly surprised by her actions, but I took them gratefully. "Thanks so much. I will. How did you know I had a headache?"

"Well, I didn't think you holding your head in your hands and groaning in pain was a hobby."

I chuckled, turning slightly red that she'd noticed. "Right. Well, thanks. I'll give them back to you tomorrow."

She nodded, not replying verbally, and walked out of class. I did the same just afterwards, still baffled.

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