[16] - passing notes

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I ran to school that morning, completely out of breath once I had reached there. I was almost late for class and I panted as I navigated the hallways, entering math class just barely before the bell had rung.

"You're lucky, Choi," the teacher remarked. "Just on time. Be mindful of the clock next time."

I nodded quickly, heading to my seat, muttering an apology. The teacher began teaching, but I tuned her out, fishing a small piece of paper from my binder.

Scribbling a note on it, I discreetly passed it behind me to Y/N. It read:

Are you okay with reading sad books? Just curious.

I didn't watch for her expression and pretended like I was still doing my work. Then she tapped me on the shoulder with her pencil and passed me a note the same way I had moments ago, which read:

I'm perfectly okay with reading sad books. In fact, I kinda prefer them. They seem more real to me, I don't know. Why do you ask?

I smiled, writing down another note. I handed it to her again, turning back around.

I'm assuming we'll be back at the library at lunch, right? Considering that, I have something to give you then.

She was about to pass me another note—I could even feel the paper reach my fingertips—but it was just at that moment the teacher caught us.

"L/N, Choi, just what is going on here?" she asked, unamused.

We both recoiled from one another, wringing our hands together and I noticed she started playing with her sweater sleeves again. I let out a quiet, "Nothing..."

"Detention at lunch. Both of you."

I groaned mentally. Really, today,
of all days? The day I really wanted to go to the library and talk to Y/N? This was just cruel.

I looked back at her, giving her a sorry look, kind of feeling like it was my fault we were in trouble since I started the note-passing. She just gave me her signature tiny smile which warmed my heart and mouthed, "It's okay."

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