Chapter 48: Relax, Nothing Bad is-

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"I understand what I did to you, all of you is an unforgivable thing, and I'm truly and deeply sorry, and sorry I shot you in the arm, Jon, I was aiming for your left," I apologized, everyone was sitting at the dinner table, they all start bursting out laughing.

"Y/n, of course, we forgive you. Can we at least be in it and know you aren't fully against us," he says; Jordan gets us and stands beside me hand in hand.

"So...Can we go on our date now?" he asked

"Yes, you can go, be safe," Lois says

We walk out the front door,

"So, what's on the itinerary for today, 'bro,'" I say playfully punching his shoulder; he scrunches his nose while holding the bridge of it,

"Please don't ever call me that again,"

"Alright, alright, but seriously what are we doing today?" I ask. He signals at me to walk with him,

"So, I was thinking since the Electric Eels are performing in L.A, we could fly to their concert and watch from a bird's eye view?" he suggests; my eyes grow wide,

"Well, Jordan, what are we waiting for? Let's go,"


"This is amazing," I say; he looks at me

"It really is," I blush. I shake from being cold,

"Here," he says, taking off his jacket, what a cliche, but I don't mind

"Thank you," I say, smiling.

My mind keeps wondering, that's this isn't over, something feels wrong, maybe it's just paranoia from the past years, but I don't know,

"You okay?" he asks

"Better now," I turn my head to look at the concert, but I could feel his gaze linger.

The concert was terrific after we saw it, he took me to get pizza on the boardwalk, and we got to listen to all kinds of music, it couldn't get better than this, what could possibly go wrong?

We got back home

"Where's Clark and Lois?" I ask

"Well, you inspired them so much they decided to go on a date of themselves," Jon said. Conner came downstairs, in a full tuxedo,

"Um, Conner?" I say, holding in a laugh

"Y/n, don't. Do not laugh," he said

I burst out laughing, "Wh-Wha What the h-hell a-are y-y-you wearing," I say between laughs.

"Look, I am planning an exceptional dinner for Sarah and me, and I want to look nice for my girlfriend," he says, defending himself.

"Whatever you say, 'mR. bOnD','' I say, grabbing a cookie and heading upstairs,

I lie down on my bed, reminiscing over the year, well years, I've had. From finding out I was adopted to saving my town. From falling in a love triangle to finding my soulmate. From meeting a stranger to meeting my brother. This year is an unfor-

I hear an explosion. I spoke too soon; I run downstairs. 

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