Chapter 18: Funeral #2

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I have gone to more funerals in just the past year than my entire life. I have lost 3 of the most influential people in my whole life. I can't go through this again. I finish getting ready; I sit on my bed, I take a photo out from underneath my bed; it was one of my most prized photos of Martha, the Cushings, my adoptive parents and me, all of us together for a picnic that was a fantastic day, a tear falls from my eyes, I quickly wipe it, 

Someone knocks on my door. "Come in," Clark opens the door, 

"Hey y/n, how are you holding up?" he asks 

"You want the truth?" I ask 

"Always," He says, coming into my room and sitting on a chair, "Well, the truth is...I wanna die; I want Lex to come and take me away and brainwash me" I choke, my eyes start to tear up again. 

"To make all the pain go away, I know life gets harder as you grow older, but this...this is another level," I say as a tear finally escapes. Clark gets up and walks to me, sits on my bed and hugs me.

"I know, it will all be ok in the end, I promise," he says 

"And y/n, I know what you are going through. I lost my whole planet, I mean, I wasn't close to anyone because I was two years old when that happened, but here's what I'm going to tell you, the pain will go away, Martha always told me 'without pain, without sacrifice'-" I say it with him 

"We would have nothing' she told me that too when my horse died," I say, chuckling 

"I'm pretty sure she got that from fight club, though," Clark says. I laugh; Lois came into my room 

"Hey guys, it's time to go," Lois said

The funeral was being held at my old house, we arrive, and I look it 

"Wow, the only time I could imagine this place vacant was when I'm going to university," I say. Jon and Jordan stand next to me, they both put their hands on my shoulders 

"We are here for you y/n," Jordan says, 

"Whenever, where ever," Jon says

 "How about right now, Sarah incoming in 5, 4, 3, 2," I say 

"Y/n, your back from National City. I missed you like crazy. I am so sorry for your loss, by the way," she says, then she looks at Jordan 

"Hey Jordan, you look handsome" I glare at him 

"Um...thanks Sarah, we should go, y/n is the MC," Jordan says. I and Jordan walk away, Jon doesn't follow. "Jon, you coming?" I ask, 

"You guys go ahead," he says. That's weird; Jordan and I walk away.

I walk up to the podium, 

"Thank you all for being here today, I will start us off with a couple of words, and anyone can feel free to speak after," I say. I look at Clark for comfort; he gives me a soft look. Although I couldn't read minds, I already knew what he was saying. 

"A lot of you know my 'mom and dad' as old classmates, co-workers, maybe you just came here out of respect, but I knew them as the people who took a scared baby on the front of their doorstep, a home. They clothed me, fed me, loved me as if I was their child" I continue to talk while everyone's face was in shock. I guess they didn't tell anyone.

"But the day they told me I was adopted, I left. It wasn't because I was mad at them, but I just left, I went to National City, where I stayed with some friends to help me through this, and when I came back they were gone, it was all my fault, and I am deeply sorry that I did this, this was my doing, thank we have Lana Lang," I say,

After everyone gave a speech, it was the reception, once again I stress eat, Jon and Jordan walk to me, I look at them. 

"Why do you guys follow me everywhere I go? Are you my bodyguards?" I jokingly said 

"Well, I mean you kinda the only person I know here, so..." Jordan says 

"Fair enough, what about you?" I ask Jon 

"I just like hanging out with you, plus I gotta look out for my bro," Jon said. I chuckle 

"I see, walk with me," I say to them. They follow, "Hey Jon, I've meant to ask you what did you need to tell Sarah?" I ask 

"What do you mean?" He asks 

"You know when we got here, I felt awkward, so Jordan took me to the backyard. You didn't follow us-" he cuts me off. 

"Oh that, I just told her if she messes with you, she messes with all of us, so she needs to watch her back," he says. I look at him, stunned. 

" Jon, do you... don't you think you went a little overboard? Like you, I'm mad at Sarah, but this isn't the first time? I mean, she's still my best friend," I say? Jon looks embarrassed. I stop walking, move in front of him and put my hand on his cheek and look at him in his deep blue eyes,

"Listen, I appreciate it; I do. It means a lot that you want to look out for me" I look at Jordan and let my hand down. 

"Both of you, we have been through a lot together through thick and thin. I love you guys so much" I hug them. 

"We love you," Jon says 

"Always," Jordan says.

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice says behind me; I quickly turn around, 

"Conner? Hey, what... what are you doing here?" I ask 

"I wanted to apologize for before, I didn't want to accept the fact that my life wasn't my life, and I got mad," he says, 

"It's ok, you don't need to apologize, six months ago I was y/n, daughter of Diane and Greg y/l/n, I had Martha, now I find out that my parents are aliens, I'm an alien, I have an alien twin brother, we both have powers, and we are friends with Superman. Our lives are crazy, Conner; you don't have to go through with it alone."

"Thank you y/n, that means a lot," Conner says 

"Of course," I reply. We hug 

"What's going on here?" Conner asks 

"Oh, you don't know, you came here all in black, so I just thought you knew, it's a funeral," I say 

"For whom?" Conner asks 

"Parents, well adoptive parents," I say 

"Oh, y/n, I am so sorry," he says. I start to tear up; then I realize something. 

"Conner, Lex killed them; they will be after your family," Conner chuckles as I talk. 

"Why is that funny? Innocent people could die" I raise my voice 

"Hey, y/n, calm down. It will be ok. I never had adoptive parents or anyone, " he said 

"Oh Conner- " he cuts me off 

"It's ok, we are fine" I must've to look relieved because they all started to laugh. All of a sudden, Jon and Jordan stopped, then Conner. 

"Y/n, can we talk, please." A voice asked

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