Chapter 26: Electic Eels

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We got back from the fortress, 

"Hey y/n," Jordan called me to his room,

"Hey?" I walk into the room with Jordan and Conner

"Y/n, we know it's been stressful, stressful for a lot of us, and so..." he pulls out three tickets

I gasp, "Jordan! You didn't! These cost a fortune, how did you?" I pause

"My savings, with a little help from mom and dad," I hug him,

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, when are they-?" I ask

"Today," Conner says

"Well, let me change, and I'll be right down. We'll fly there, Jordan. I'll carry you," I say,

Ahh, this is the best day of my life; I get to see my favourite rock band EVER!!! There's a mix of AC/DC, with a bit of Ozzy Osbourne, but my favourite part is certain pieces they do pop instead of rock,

I finish changing. I was wearing my black ripped pants, with my blue and black ripped Electic Eels shirt; this was precisely what I needed, 

"Alright, let's go," I say. We fly away to Park City, 

They start with their hit song, 'I'm the Devil'; without a doubt, Conner, Jordan and I will be talking about this night forever. It hasn't even been 10 minutes, and I'm already having the time of my life. My favourite song by them has to be 'Whispers of my Demons,' a part of the same album, among other pieces, but 'I'm in Love' will always have a special place in my heart.

"Baby, I love you heller, I'm the diabolical one," All the fans roared throughout the arena,

"Are you having fun y/n?!" Jordan yelled asked.

"Best time of my life! Thank you for this!" I reply back

I will never stop talking about this day, not to mention we got 1st-row seats, who knows maybe they'll call on-

"Now! Let's give it up for y/n!" Colin Chase said, Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god! Colin Chase knew I existed! He guided me up on stage, 

"So y/n is it?" He asks, staring at his big beautiful deep brown eyes and his luscious champagne hair,

"Um, y-yea," I stutter, 

"Well, a little birdy told me that you have an amazing voice?" he asked

"I- wha- pfft, I mean I wouldn't say amazing, I would say below average," I look at Jordan, giving me the biggest smile,

"Oh, come on, people who say that always have the best voice," he says, looking at the audience. "Wouldn't you agree," he said. The crowd cheered and chanted y/n,

"Alright, alright, um, I'm going to sing one of my favourite songs by you guys, Lucian Moore. You are a lyrical master may I add," Colin hands me the microphone; I lean away from the microphone

"Hey, can you play 'I'm in Love'?" I ask; they start playing

A little while later


"You don't want to be...beloved by me," the crowd goes WILD!

"What did I say, amazing!" he spoke into the microphone, he leaned away, 

"Hey, the guard at the side there will give you a backstage pass, where you get a one on one with the cast members and me; you can bring your friends as well," he said. I viciously nodded,

"Thank you," I say; I signal Jordan and Conner to come upstage. They obey

"Let's give it up one last time for y/n!" he said. 

The rest of the night just got better and better, my reporter in me got to talk to the cast members, maybe Lois will get it published in the daily gazette, oh what a dream, I got the basics, like how they joined together, and some more personal stuff, like what their favourite food was, but this wasn't what I wanted my reporting skills to be used for, I wanted to be out there, on the field, I got there autograph on my poster, and we called it a night.

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