Chapter 5: Superman

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Jordan's P.O.V

We see our parents arrive back home, boy. Do I have things to say? Mom comes out of the truck, and I yell at them.

"So that's what? Why you never wanted us in the barn so you can keep a freaking alien spaceship in there!" I yelled at them

"Look, I can explain," Dad said calmly, as he gets out of his truck

"Ya, can you explain how I fell 30 feet, and nothing happened? Just all you said was we got lucky, but that was a lie, wasn't it?" I continued to yell

"Yes! Yes okay, it was a lie" Then a silence came upon us, Dad started to talk again.

"Look, that ship brought me to earth. I landed here in Smallville right in those cornfields over there, and I was sent here when my planet...Krypton was destroyed"

"Krypton...?" Jon said questionably

"Yes, and because I wasn't from here, I had certain powers. Your grandparents they took me in they raised me, taught me how to control my abilities, how to blend in until the day I was ready to leave and become who I was sent here to be," Dad said,

"You're saying you're uh...Superman?" asked Jon.

"No, I've seen Superman before. We've seen him," I snarled. Dad looks at me, then takes off his glasses, oh my- HE'S SUPERMAN, he gives Mom his glasses, then walks over to his truck and lifts it with ONE HAND like it weighs nothing. He shifts to two hands when he flys up into the sky WHILE LIFTING THE TRUCK. Jon and I look at each other we are both stunned. We stare at him while he looks down at us.

"When your father first told me, I didn't understand either," said Mom,

"I understand, I understand all the excuses," I said, as Dad walks next to Mom

"All the times you were gone, you lied to us. You both did," I said, and I was outraged now

"He was saving lives," said Mom defending him

"That doesn't make it any less true, and you lied to protect his secret, all the things I've been feeling. You made me think I was crazy! They put me on pills!" I yelled again

"Your mental health has nothing to do with who you are," Mom still said patiently.

"You don't know that! I'm half human, half whatever the hell he is!" I yell at mom

"Do not yell at your mother. Okay, this isn't her fault; I'm the one that didn't want you to know," said Dad, slowly raising his voice

"Why?" asked Jon

"Because I knew what kind of burden it would be if you both had powers or worse if one of you had them and the other...didn't," he said apologetically,

"You think he's the reason we survived yesterday?" I said

"What are you talking about?" asked Jon

"Go on, dad tells superboy why you thought he's really so perfect," I said

"Um, we thought your athletic talent could be latent abilities starting to emerge, and then yesterday, the only way that both of you survived that accident is for at least one of you to be like me," Dad said

"What about y/n?" I asked

"I don't know, and I'm still a little confused about how she is alive because she was on top of you guys, right?" Dad asks

"Yes," I said, but I ignored everything and just spoke

"You wouldn't want it any other way, would you," I said

"Jordan!" Dad yelled as I walked away

"Don't try and talk to me all right. You may have been sent here to be some hero, but you sure as hell weren't sent here to be a father." I walk away.

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