Chapter 10: The Secret

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I get ready for school. As I head downstairs, I see Lois and Clark

"Hey guys, thanks again for letting me stay here," I say

"No problem anyways so, you and I are spending the day together. I want to tell you that and Jon will be going to school with you," he says

"Ok, what about Jordan, though?" I ask " We are still a little concerned with his...mental health," Clark said

"Oh ok, wait, Clark, you said spend the day. I have school today," I say

" Ya, I know it's just I think I figured out the key to finding out who you are, and I need you there," Clark says

"Ok, wait if I'm not going to school and If Jordan isn't going to school, I think Jonathan should stay here," I say

" I mean... I guess that's far, what do you think Lois?" Clark asks her

" It would be better for the boys to go together so Jon can keep an eye on Jordan,"

"Ok, I'll go tell them, oh and Lois, could I maybe talk to you after? If no, then-" she cuts me off

"Of course we can talk y/n," she said. I smile the run upstairs. I go to Jonathan's room

"Hey," I say, smiling

"Hey," he says, smiling back

"Are you here about last night?" he asks

"No, I'm here to tell you that you're not going to school today,"

"Huh? Why?" he asks.

"Reasons..." I start to walk away, but then I do a double-take

"Yes?" Jon asks

"Okay fine I do wanna talk about last night, Jon you're a really great friend okay, so please don't make this complicated. I really like Jordan, okay. So please don't think anything of it," I look at Jonathan who was staring at the floor

"Ya, alright. It was stupid of me, I'm sorry," Jon said

"You don't need to apologize, just don't do it again," I walk out of his room, take a breather. Then head into Jordan's room.

"Hey, stranger," I said,

"Hey, don't you have school?" he asks

"Wow, do you seriously want to get rid of me that bad, huh," I say sarcastically, but then kinda worry when he doesn't respond

"Of course not," he says, hugs me around my waist while my hands are on his shoulders, he kisses me,

"But don't you have school?" he asks again.

"I do, but Clark asked me not to go for...personnel reasons," I say

"Oh ok, what personnel reasons?" he asks.

"Just Clark and I are doing something together today, "I say

" So are we..." we head downstairs

"Good, you're both here, I have something...interesting planned for today," Clark sounded excited

"Like what?" I asked, proceeding with caution,

"You'll see," he said

"Fineeeee," I groan

"Anyways, Lois, do you think maybe we could talk now?" I ask

"Of course," she says. I pull her outside

"It's about Jonathan and Jordan," I said,

"Did they do something?" Lois asked

"No, it's more like something I did," I tried to say

"I don't quite follow," she said

"Last night...I kissed Jordan, and it was amazing, I really like him, and he likes me too, but I was going to bed then, Jon came into my room, and he kissed me, the problem is I didn't pull away; I let him kiss me, and now I think he likes me, and I think I like him also, I'm so confused," I rambled on.

She pulls me into a hug.

"Relax, y/n I'm sure it's not as bad as you think. As a reporter, I would ask what you think. As your friend, I would ask what does your gut tells you, and as your closes thing to a mother right now, I would ask," she tilts my head up.

"What does your heart tell you? So tell me."

"What I think is this is crazy. I am 14. I should be thinking about enjoying life, and my head chooses Jordan because that would be a smart decision. What my gut feels is when I'm around Jon, I feel safe, and I don't feel as worried, and my heart, I don't know."

"Well, that's the tiebreaker-" she gets an alert on her phone. She breaks our hug.

"y/n I am so sorry, but I have to go. I have a lead on a news story."

"Ok bye, good luck," I say, she runs to her car, I walk inside

"Ok, let's get started. I don't know how to feel right now because there's excited, there's nervous, and there's something telling me it's dangerous," I say

"Well, you don't need to be...I think, anyways, where Lois?" he asks, but his last comment caught me off guard

"Um...uhh. Oh right, she's following a new lead for a story," I say

"Ok, anyways y/n, I need to show you something, but first I need to know I can trust you?" Clark says

"What is said in the Kent house stays in the Kent house," I say

"Good, now let's go outside," Clark says, then leads the way; Jonathan and Jordan look at me confused; I don't blame them, so was I. Clark goes to his tractors and stands by it.

"I'm Superman," he says.

"What?!" I ask

Clark lifts the tractor with his bear hands, and flying, he was flying! I look at Jon and Jordan again, and they were looking at me, I looked back at Clark. Everything became dizzy

" Why is the world spinning so fa-," and I collapse

I wake up, slowly regain consciousness, and I see an outline of three people around me. I slowly start to get up.

"What happened?" I ask slurry

"You fainted," Jon says

"How long was I out?" I ask, slowly losing the slur

"Not long, probably around 5 minutes," Jordan says

"What is the last thing you remember?" Clark asks. I take a moment to think about it, and then it hit me

"Your Superman," I say, getting up. He smiled, then I realized something

"Wait, Superman is Kryptonian, a.k.a an alien, then Lois is human. I think, so if Jon and Jordan are your real kids" I look at Clark, then the boys

" You know your stuff, I'm impressed," Clark said

" Well I'm kind've a huge fan so I know a lot about you and krypton, but maybe not as much as you," I was flabbergasted

" I would say we have about the same amount of knowledge,"

" righhht, because you came here when you were a baby," I said, but going back to the boys

" But oh my god, not only and I in the presence of 1 alien, but 3! Both of you are half Kryptonian, meaning you have...powers, AWESOME," I say. They look at each other,

"Um, only I do," Jordan says

"Oh, Jonathan, I am so sorry," I say,

"It's ok. At least I know I actually have athletic abilities," Jon said cheerfully but still hurt. I go and hug Jon.

"It's not ok, and you know it," I whisper to him.

I see Jordan looking at us; I hug him a little tighter, then let him go.

"Wait, why did you tell y/n that your Superman? I thought you were sworn to secrecy or something. And how come you told her a lot earlier than you told Jon and me" Jordan asked. I looked at Clark.

"Oh um, I have powers," I say. Jonathan and Jordan looked aghast.

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