Chapter 11: The Fortress of Solitude

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"Wha- We- How...How do you have powers?" Jordan asks

"To be honest, we don't know; we think it started-" Jon cuts me off

"Sorry, we? Our dad knew?" he said

"Ya," they don't look as shook by that then I thought

"What type of powers do you have?" Jordan asks

"So far, I only know of super strength and super hearing," I said,

"Dad, what powers do you have again?" Jordan asks

"I have super strength, speed, smell, stamina, and breath. Enhanced vision, heat vision, flight, and x-ray vision," Clark said with such ease, "y/n couldn't have been in the Central city when the partial accelerator went off because she wasn't even born yet," Clark adds,

"I think the only way to get answers is to find out maybe who my birth parents are," I say

"And there's only one place where you can find the answers," Clark said. "The fortress of solitude," he had a little moment.

"Well ok then let's go," Jon says, getting ready as he faced the car,

"Jon, I think it would be best if you stayed here until your mother comes back," Clark says

"Wha-y/n..." I give him a solemn look, "Jordan?" He says, looking at him,

"I think he's right, Jon," Jordan says,

"Fine," Jon says back. Clark carries me and Jordan. We headed to the fortress of solitude.

"I probably should have asked you to wear your winter clothing," Clark says as we all shiver, heading to the fortress of solitude,

"Ya think," I tried to say, but the wind was heavy on my chest; we get to a tundra biome. It was probably less than -30°C right now.

"Clark, where are we?" I ask, shivering,

"We are in the Arctic circle. This is where my fortress of solitude is," he says, he flies us to the side of the mountain, and we arrive at a cliff.

"What now?" I ask Clark, he moves aside Jordan, and I see a large golden coloured door with a giant keyhole,

"Where's the key," I ask.

"You have to find it, both of you. I need to see if I'm right about something," he says. Jordan and I look around for a while

"Clark, we are cold, and we have been searching for almost half an hour. Please tell us," I ask. "Fine, but you have to get it," he says. Jordan and I look at each other, then nod.

"It's under the cliff," he says. What did he say?

"H-How the heck are we supposed to get under the cliff without, oh I don't know, falling to our death," I say, but I go anyways because I know after this we will get answers. I go to the cliff and lie on my stomach and look under the cliff.

"I think I see it, Jordan grab on to me so I can go further" he does as I say, and I move closer. I try to reach for it, and then I nose dive off the cliff.

"Y/n!!" Jordan yelled,

I saw that Jordan had just managed to hold on to the edge of the cliff. As I fall, I scream, falling as I felt the cold air hitting at me at every angle, struggling to breathe, I close my eyes,

I hear Clark say, "Fly, y/n, fly" I stop screaming. All of a sudden, everything was; still, I open my eyes, and I see I'm floating centimetres off from the ground, I land on the ground and jump up, I was flying, I was actually flying, I fly around in circles.

"Wooohoooooo" I yelled out of joy. I fly under the cliff and grab the key, then I fly up and land on the ridge, stumble just a bit. Jordan hugs me to keep my balance.

"Are you ok?" he asks.

"I can fly," I say shocked, I look at Clark, then I give him the key

"I believe this belongs to you," I say to Clark. He puts the key in the keyhole, and the door opens. We walk in,

It was a lot less cold in here, but we were still cold, "So, how does this work? Is there a specific word we need to say, oh maybe a secret button" I say

"I need to ask my dad," he says, well I know we are close to the impossible, but talking to the dead, that's well, a whole different level of weird

"Wait, your dad? I thought your planet blew up, and only you are Kara survived," Jordan said, wait a minute. Kara?

"Jordan!" Clark barked. He looked confused at first but realized

"I mean, only you and Supergirl survived," he said and realized he just made it worse

"Wait a minute, Kara, as in Kara Danvers reporter for Catco, she's Supergirl? Wow, don't worry, I won't tell a living soul," I say

"Thank you y/n, but that wasn't our secret to tell," he said, looking at Jordan.

"Sorry," he said

"Anyways, my dad did die, so I made him into a hologram," Clark said. We walked to a place that looked like the main room, so we arrive at this console, Clark waves his hand over it, and a hologram appears.

"Hello, father," Clark said,

"My son, to what do I owe this pleasure" he sees me and Jordan

"You brought strangers to your solitude," his father said

"No, not strangers, just stranger. Father, this is your grandson, Jordan," Clark says

"Ah, my grandson, my name is Jor-el," Jor-el said. "And this is y/n," Clark introduced

"Y/n...but how is this possible, I thought it can't be," Jor-el mumbled

"What?" I ask

"I need a blood sample," Jor-el says. Clark pulls out a needle from a drawer.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing too big," Clark says. What was going on? I need to go with it. I will get answers. Clark puts the needle against my skin applies pressure, the needle breaks. He tries Jordan the same thing happened.

"It won't pierce," Clark says

"How is that even possible?" I ask

"Dad, what's going on?" Jordan asks

"Father, what do we do?" Clark asks

"Red sun put them in the red sun," Jor-el says

"Are you sure?" Clark asks

"Positive," Jor-el says "follow me," Clark says me and Jordan. We obey.

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