Chapter 21: A Story

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The lights turn on. It takes a minute for my eyes to adjust 

"Conner? What are you doing in my room?" I ask, but my voice still was sounding shakey 

"Hello roomie, did Lois not tell you we are sharing a room?" he asks 

"No, she didn't," I say 

"Oh well, we're roommates?" he says. I chuckle 

"Now, tell me what's the matter?" he asks 

"It's nothing really," I say. "Y/n, I'm your family, so please tell me, I don't like seeing you like this," he says, getting out of his bed.

He sits down next to me. 

"It's just that, it feels like every time I get close with someone, they disappear. I try to hold on, but they slip away," I say, trying to fight back the tears. 

"It will be okay; you have me, you have Clark, Jonathan, Jordan, Lois. We are here for you."He says 

"What was your life like before you met us, before Lex?" I ask 

"Ha, um...well, where do I start? My pod landed in Central City, but unlike you, I didn't have a family or foster parents" He talks, I look at him.

"I was a thief; I lived with some of the worst criminals in a lot of cities, like when I lived in Central City, I was under the wing of Lenord Snart, but one day he disappeared. I was on the run for a long time, and I lived in fear, wondering every day if today is the day. I went from Central to Starling, to Metropolis to National, and now I'm here," he says 

"And, you know when I told you that I was walking from school to my home" He looked at me. I still had a blank look on my face.

"It was a lie, I had just stolen something, and I thought they were the police, but then the high frequency threw me off, and well, you know the rest" I stare at him in awe, 

"Please don't hate me" I look away and rest my head on his shoulder 

"I could never hate you, as long as your good though, otherwise, I will kill you," I say, "You mean that as a joke, right" he nervously chuckles; I look at him, clearly disturbed.

"If it helps you sleep at night, yes, it was a joke," I say, chuckling.

"Oh, thank god," he says, letting out a deep sigh. "Hey, what's up with that Electric Eel poster?" he asks.

"Ooh, the Electic Eels are my favourite rock band ever! I've always wanted to go to one of their concerts before but, life moved faster and faster never got the time. I was shocked to find out Jordan likes the band as well,"

"Oh, cool, what kinda name is Electic Eels, though?" he laughed, making fun of it,

"Hey, don't you dare make fun of them,  because if you do, Collin Chase and I will hunt you down,"

"Okay, whatever you say, fangirl,"

"Anyways, where do you think dad is right now? " I ask, looking at the moon,

"I don't care where dad is; he could be in heaven," he says 

"Or hell," he whispers underneath his breath. I hear it; I smack him 

"Ow, what was that for," he asks 

"Conner, I am not deaf, our dad isn't in hell, he alive you know that right?" I say, still looking at him 

"Okay, and...?" Conner asks 

"And...don't you want to meet him one day?" I ask him 

" Look y/n, and I don't care if I meet him, the guy left us-" I interrupt him 

"to save us, Conner, their entire planet exploded," I say 

"It doesn't make it any less true," Conner angrily said. He looked angry, and I glare at him. His look softened 

"Hey, it's um, it's getting late we should go to bed, do you wanna share...or how is this gonna work?" he asks

I'm still pissed at him for not even giving Ad-van a chance and thinks sharing a bed is the wisest decision. He is right about one thing though, he left us, he also separated us, wasn't there like a duo pod or something, 

"Don't bother, I'll sleep on the couch" I grab my pillows and blanket and storm out of my room. I lie on the couch and silently cry myself to sleep.

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