Chapter 47: It's Over

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Y/n's P.O.V  (Present)

I heard a thud—they're here. Oh, you guys are so screwed now. Lex lined the sewer with lead so that no one can see through, and that's either a dead giveaway or Edge's plan will work. 

"Come you guys," I silently say

I check on the eradicator; it glows a yellow aura. It's weird when I imagined it. I thought it'd be blue...because the necklace was blue,

"Those sons of bitches," I say; I smash the 'eradicator' it shattered into pieces. The real one shouldn't have broken. They knew I was gonna double-cross them, and so, that meant...I was never going to get my answers...

Conner's P.O.V

I figured it out!

"Clark, I got it, I'm coming," I say

I flew back to Smallville with the bit of piece of the necklace I had left to find the eradicator; it started to glow; I flew across main street over the fight. The glow was getting brighter and brighter until I reach just at the border of Smallville; it stops pulsating. I fly down through the grass, I was in an underground bunker, I was face to face with Lex Luthor.

"Conner?" I look beside myself,


"And I'm Lex Luthor," Y/n puts him in a chock hold,

Y/n's P.O.V

"How do you stop this!" I yell at him, still in the chock hold

"Clearly, someone wasn't paying attention," he struggles to speak. I hold tighter, "There is no stopping this," he psychotically laughs; I aggressively throw him to the ground and punch him repeatedly,

"Tell! Me!" he continues to laugh as blood trickles down his face. Conner pulls me off of him,

"Y/n! Pull yourself together!" he yells; I keep my gaze at Lex, my breathing heavy,

"Y/n! Y/n! Do not waste your energy on him! Look at me when I am talking to you!" I look at him

"Good, calm down okay, he's not worth it," Lex continues to laugh,

"Shut up," Conner knocks him out, "Y/n what is wrong with you?"

"Conner, we have bigger problems than my feelings. Why did you knock him unconscious? He was going to tell me how to stop this,"

"No, he wasn't, and was that going to be before or after you kill him? he asks, "And besides, I already figured out how to-," he makes a face, as well I

"Jonathan," we say, I take the eradicator.

Jonathan's P.O.V

I shot every one of the bad guys I saw until I was out of ammo; they punched me.

"Conner! Superman!" I yell, them time slowed around me; I was going to die. Right here, right now. One of them pulled out a gun. I close my  eyes; I felt like I was moving, then it stopped; I open my eyes,

"Y/n?" I said

"Stay here," she said. She flew away.

Y/n's P.O.V

When I arrived back, the eradicator and Edge were gone,

"Superman, where's-?"

"Edge disappeared, the eradicator is with the DOD, and Lex is getting arrested as we speak, we won y/n, we won," he sighs.

I smile, but something was bothering me, "Wait, where's Jordan?"

"Right here," I turn around. He was limping towards me; I run up and hug him.

"Okay, okay, a little less, I don't want my cause of death to be my girlfriend," he says, laughing.

We pull apart, he pushes me, "And don't ever do that again," he says, laughing. His sweet smile made what I did worth it, in some ways. 

"We won; you know what that means?" I pull him into a kiss. The reward was long-awaited; I opened my mouth to invite his tongue, the smell of smoke emitting off him, but I didn't care. He placed his hand in my hair, while I put my hands on his cheeks,

We pull apart, he looks at me reading my face, them smiling

"What?" I asked

"I think it was about time I took you out on an actual date," he said; I laugh.

"I can't wait," I give him a quick peck, the walk over to the DOD's truck, where Lex was,

"I'm guessing you were getting arrested wasn't planned?" I ask cunningly,

"Maybe not, but you underestimated us, little one, but not to worry, this world will fall, and I will be there to pick up the pieces," he smiles

"Get him out of my sight, lock him up and let him never see the light of day again," The soldiers close the doors; I knock to signal to go,

I slowly zone out, maybe I didn't pay enough attention, this felt too easy, something was happening, I hear something in the distance,

"Y/n? Y/n? Y/n!" Conner snaps me out of my trance,

"Are you there?"

"Ya, sorry, what?"

"It doesn't matter. What up with you? You seem different?" he said; it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"I don't know what it is, Conner, but something isn't right. I- I have this gut feeling,"

"What is it?"

"Something tells me this isn't over,"

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