Chapter 24: A Trip

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(Oh my god, I can't thank you guys enough for 1.5K! THAT'S INSANE, and I can't believe that. To all my viewers, thank you, you guys are my motivation, you don't know how much this means to me, I have viewers from all around the world, USA, Netherlands, Norway, U.K, Brazil, Ghana, Uruguay, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand, I can't believe it. I am in tears, thank you (Also, I know the books have been boring lately, but I tried to do the best I could)Thank you again, you guys are the best) [Also sorry for not posting a lot, school's been busy, wifi has sucked, and I am slowly running out of ideas]

We arrive home, and we sat down at the dining table 

"Gah, what a day; I'm swamped with homework," I say.

"Same, maybe we can we can work on it together?" Jordan asks 

"Sure, what do you want to start with?" I ask 

"How about-" he gets cut off by someone 

"Kids, stop what you are doing and come with me" It was Clark 

"Dad, we have a lot of homework," Jordan says 

"I don't care. I need to show you guys something. Wait, where's Conner and Jon?" Clark asks 

"Conner is walking Sarah home, and Jon has football practice,"  I say 

"Okay, you guys work on your homework, tell me when Conner is back," he says,

10 minutes later, Conner was home, 

"Clark, Conner's home" I yelled 

"Why did you yell? He has superhearing," Jordan says 

"Ya, but not everyone knows that now do they," I say, pointing to Conner 

"He does," Jordan says, 

"No, he doesn't," I argue, 

"Yes, he does," Jordan argued back, 

"Fine, how bout a little bet?" I ask 

"You're on," Jordan says, 

"20?" I ask. He nods. Clark comes into the room. 

"Let's go" he heads outside. We three look at each other, then follow him out.

When we get there, we see him just standing there. He looked at us like he was staring into our souls. 

"Um...Clark? What are we doing here?" I ask, trying to hold in my laugh 

"I must show you guys something, so you know where we need to go, grab your winter gear," he says. We all groan. 

"Clark, what do we need to see?" I ask 

"This is for Conner; I guess everyone in this house knows. You should know too," Clark says; I look at Jordan in utter confusion. Clark takes off his glasses, 

"Your- your Superman," Conner says, 

"So you didn't know," Jordan asked Conner 

"Nope," Conner says 

"I'll take my 20, thank you very much" He scrolls, 

"I'll give it to you later," he says 

"Well, let's get going," Clark says. Clark carries Jordan as the rest of us fly to the fortress of solitude.

When we get there, Clark finally tells us why we are here 

"We are going to figure out the rest of y/n and Conners background, and Jordan, I will help you with your powers," Clark says. 

"But, we've tried this entire time, nothing  has worked; why would this be any different?" Jordan asked. Clark looks at me. 

"No, no. I am not doing it; I don't want him to get used to it," I say to Clark. 

"Y/n please, you don't know what it was like without you here," Clark says 

"Jordan-" Jordan speaks for him 

"I had, well, have these episodes and if I don't control my powers, imagine what happened at the bond fire, but a hundred times worse, I am unstable and dangerous y/n," Jordan says. 

"Please, I think he'll listen to you more," Clark says 

"What's he talking about?" Conner asks, 

"He wants me to train Jordan, but why we're all kids? Why do you want to train him?" I ask Clark. He looks at Jordan. 

"Tell me the truth!" I raise my voice, he snaps 

"Because I've grown so close to you, and losing you felt like my daughter!" He shouted back at me. My angry look softens, 

"Clark, that wasn't your fault, you know that right. They ambushed us; we all were affected by the ringing," I say calmly. 

"It just feels like my fault, and I want you to train Jordan, please, you know how to control your powers. I hate Lex, but he did one hell of a job training you, better than I ever could," Clark says, 

"Guess we'll never know if that's true," I say.

"Can I think about it?" I ask, 

"Of course," Clark says. There was an awkward silence 

" think of me as a daughter?" I chuckle, a big smile forms on his face 

"Oh whatever, anyways, are you and Conner ready to learn the rest about your family heritage?" Clark asks; I look at Conner. He wasn't here last time we met Ad-van; I hope Conner gives him a chance 

"Are you ready?" I ask him, 

"Let's just get this over with," he says. Ad-van's hologram shows up. But then again, he probably isn't going to.

Superman and Lois  X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora