Chapter 19: Drama

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"What do you want Sarah," I ask, facing her, 

"Can we please talk...alone?" she asks. I look at Jonathan, then Jordan; they nod, 

"Hey, um Conner, let us introduce you to our parents," Jonathan says; they all leave. 

"What happened to us...after the bonfire you just, disappeared," Sarah said 

"Why do you care?" I ask 

"Because I'm your best friend" she raises her voice.

"Would a best friend kiss the boy I liked?" I raised my voice as well 

"I didn't know," She said 

"Ya, I know you didn't, and I'm definitely overreacting, but I just got so jealous, and I didn't think about it, and I just didn't expect it because you always tell me when you want to kiss a guy, and the one guy you do kiss, is my crush," I said, apologetically with my head down, 

"It's ok; I call dibs, though," she said. My head immediately snapped back up. I was angry now.

"Did you just call 'dibs'? He's a human being, not the last slice of pizza," I say, 

"Ya, I know it just slipped out" There was an awkward silence. 

"Look, I'm sorry, okay, I need my best friend right now, please find it somewhere inside of you to forgive me. I am so sorry. We used to tell each other everything. I wanna be there for you" She turns around. 

"If there is one person that should be sorry, it's me. I overreacted, like a lot, and I miss my best friend, and I promise not to send Jon and Jordan death threats to you" she turns around with a smile on her face. 

"Forgive me?" She asks 

"Only if you forgive me first," I say, we forgive each other, and we walk with our arms linked together, 

"Look, Jonathan and Jordan are two of my best friends, but what is happening between the three of us is...complicated, at least I think it is. I haven't talked to them about it, but could you maybe not do anything with them for right now? Romantic, I guess? I know it's selfish, but all I'm asking for is time," I ask; she nods. We hug.

We break from the hug, "So, when did you find out you were adopted before or after the bonfire?" She asks as we walk back to the reception 

"Right after actually, I had my suspicions though," I say 

"Oh, ok. Also, who was that boy you, Jonathan and Jordan were talking to? He's kinda cute," I laugh 

"He, um he's, my twin brother, and I love you both, but siblings are off-limits, sorry hon," I say 

"Ugh, fine, but there is no guy here that are cute or that like me," she complains 

"Girl, I could probably name like 50 people who have a crush on you" To be honest, I probably could 

"Oh, whatever," she says, we laugh. Then there was an awkward silence 

"Hey, why are things complicated for you and the boys?"

"Do you swear not to tell anyone?" She nods 

"So when we left the bonfire, Clark and Jon offered to drive me home, I let them, and they knew about my thinking that I was adopted, I confronted them about it, they said yes, of course. So I packed up my things, and I stayed the night a the Kent's house, and when we got there, I gave Jordan the cold shoulder. Later all three of us were talking things out" Sarah cuts me off. 

"All three of us, do you mean Jonathan? Why was he a part of that?" She asks 

", emotional support?" I say 

"Ahh, ok, continue," I continue 

"Anyways, Jon left, and it was just me and Jordan, we had this awkward moment sort of, then he tries to kiss me, I back away, Jordan leaves to go to bed, I went to the washroom to talk to myself because I chickened out this was gonna be my first kiss ever, hen I go to his room, and I kissed him," I say 

"That doesn't sound complicated at all." 

"I'm not done," Her face looked shocked but kinda proud at the same time,

"Then I go to my room, where Jon comes we talk then he um, well...he kisses me, and I don't back away. The next day, I talk to Jon about it, and he agrees that it was a mistake, then I leave to go to National City" I finish, 

"Damn, that is complicated, but I'm here for you," she says 

"Thanks, that means a lot," I say 

"Now enough about me and my problems, how are you?" I ask we talk some more; then we reach the boys, 

"Hey, Conner, this is my best friend, Sarah," I introduce to him 

"Hey," she says; he nods, then we talk, 

"Are you ok?" Jordan whispers. I take his hand 

"Better now," I whisper back.

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