Chapter 14

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Roaming the corridors of the castle, with her ingredients safely tucked into her small bag, Evie knew she needed to find a quiet space to brew the Wolfsbane potion. It was a potion that took at least a few weeks to brew properly, so it had to be somewhere it wouldn't be disturbed. 

Remus had told Evie stories about a room in Hogwarts castle that would appear and disappear as and when a person had real need of it. It was here that Evie thought she might be able to brew the potion without anyone disturbing her, or finding it accidentally. 

As she walked down a long corridor, not far from the great hall, she focused her mind on what she would need in the room in the hopes it would present itself to her. Finally, as she reached the apex of the corridor, surrounded by many grand, beautiful archways, she noticed the doorway beginning to etch itself into the wall on her left. 

Once fully formed, Evie entered through the door to find it had exactly what she needed. The room was small, but then she didn't need a lot of space. A work top covered with potion making tools, sat on the right hand side of the room. A small, black cauldron placed in the centre of the room just above a stove, stood next to a rather large potions book which was open.

Closing the door behind her, Evie looked around the room in awe. She could see why it was called the Room of Requirement, it had everything she needed to brew the potion for Remus. As she walked over to the worktop and placed her ingredients out neatly, she turned to look at the open book in the centre of the room. The book was open on the Wolfsbane potion and Evie could see that the concoction would take approximately 2 and a half weeks to brew. Although the instructions did mention that the potion could take a little less or a little longer, it all depended on how fresh the ingredients were. The important thing to note, was that the potion would emit a light blue smoke from the cauldron when it was ready, this made it easier if you weren't sure how fresh the ingredients were. 'That's handy' Evie thought. She had no idea how long the ingredients had been sitting on Snape's shelf, so it was helpful to know the potion would give her its own sign to show when it was ready. 

Evie got started on the potion straight away, she could see from the instructions that the first two days of brewing were really important, so she would need to come and check on it during some of the Christmas festivities. 


Christmas morning, Evie woke feeling blue. It just wasn't the same waking up in a dorm room on Christmas, she so wished she could be with her family, but had come to terms with the fact that she couldn't this year. The winter sun was just beginning to rise, Hallie was still sound asleep and Evie didn't feel like going to sit in the common room by herself. Instead, she opened up the large window that stood between the beds, and hopped out to sit on the terrace. She had done this once or twice before, there was something beautiful about watching the sun rise over the grounds. Especially today, the snow glistened like a diamond blanket hugging the landscape. Evie was glad she had brought out her knitted blanket, the air was fresh and a gentle breeze kissed her cheeks, as she sat wrapped up, looking across at the rest of the castle. 

She wasn't sure how long she had been sat on the terrace, but the sun was now beaming down onto Evie's face. If she closed her eyes, she could almost feel the warmth radiating through her body. She thought about the time she had camped out in the garden with Remus, a few Christmases ago. It was just like today, her and Remus were sat out in the snow, sun beaming down on their faces, looking up at their little cottage which had been decorated with dainty fairy lights. Hope had brought the pair a hot cup of tea "To take the chill off" she said. The memory made Evie chuckle. 

As she opened up her eyes, she saw Hallie walking towards her with two steaming cups, "Cup of tea for you, you're mad sitting out here! You'll catch a cold if you're not careful!" she scolded. Hallie didn't quite have the same charm and tact that Hope had, but Evie appreciated the tea all the same. 

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