movie night [peter parker]

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You had set up your room for movie night with your brothers and Peter. May and Wanda would be socializing downstairs while we watched the new movie, "Free Guy". The boys crashed into your room, pretending to shoot each other, Peter following close behind. He closed the doors as the boys shouted.

"I think you two are forgetting who the strongest person in this room is." Peter put his backpack on the ground as the boys turned to him.

"Oh no." Tommy whispered.

"NO!" Billy screeched, Peter running at them and tackling them onto the bed.

Your eyes widened in surprise as Peter started to tickle the twins.

"No- stop!" Tommy said between laughs.

"I can't breathe!" Billy laughed.

Peter cackled before letting them catch their breaths. He kissed your temple and everyone sat down on the bed. Both of the boys insisted on being near you, so Tommy sat on the right side of you, his head laying on your chest. Billy sat horizontally, his head resting on Peter's lap whilst you ran a hand through his hair.

The boys liked when you played with their hair; including Peter. They say it's calming.

"Good morning, Goldie!" Guy, the main character of the movie said.

The boys chuckled a bit and you smiled.


It was around 1:00 AM now, the movie had ended. Your mom went to her room and May was going to stay in the guest room. You looked down at Tommy and saw he was fast asleep.

You tapped Peter's shoulder and pointed down at Tommy. He smiled and pointed to Billy, who was also fast asleep. You pouted your lip, to silently say 'awe'. Peter pulled you closer to him, being careful not to wake the boys. He threw a blanket over Billy, and you slowly took his glasses off of his face, resting them on the nightstand.

You turned off the T.V, intertwining one of your legs with Peter's.

"I love you." Peter whispered.

"I love you too."

And with that, everyone was asleep.

𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤𝖱, 𝖯𝖤𝖳𝖤𝖱 𝖯𝖠𝖱𝖪𝖤𝖱 ✓ (x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now