ᗢ 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟥

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Your POV

"I'm gonna ask you this one time. Where is Gamora?" The guy asks.

"I'll do you one better. Who is Gamora?" Mr. Stark fires back.

"I'll do YOU one better, why is Gamora??" The creature Mr. Stark was holding down yells.

"Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you I'm gonna french fry this little freak." The guy holding Peter says.

"You shoot my guy I'll blast him!" Mr. Stark points a laser gun at the other dude. "Let's go!"

"Do it Quill!" He yells to the man holding Peter. "I can take it."

"No, he can't take it!" Bug girl yells.

"She's right, you can't." DS chimes in.

I roll my eyes.

"You don't wanna tell me where she is? That's fine. I'll kill all 3 of you then beat it out of Thanos myself! Starting with you!" Quill starts to pull the trigger on the gun.

"What- Thanos?" DS scoffs. "Let me as you this one time. What master do you serve?"

"What master do i serve?" Quill huffs. "What am I supposed to say, Jesus?"

"You're from Earth?" Mr. Stark asks.

"I'm not from Earth I'm from Missouri." Quill says.

"Yeah, that's on earth, dipshit." I fire back. "What are you hustling us for?"

"So you're not with Thanos?" Peter questions.

"With Thanos?" Quill says. "No! I'm here to kill Thanos. He took my girl. Wait, who are you guys?"

Peter takes his mask off. "We're the Avengers, man."

Quill let's go of Peter.

"You're the ones Thor told us about!" Bug girl exclaims.

"You know Thor?!" Mr. Stark yells.

Quill nods. "Yeah. Tall guy, not that good looking, needed saving."

Peter and I give him a dirty look when he started to describe Thor.

"Where is he now?" DS asks.

Quill shrugs. "I don't know."

"The real questions is who are YOU guys?" I point at all the weirdos.

"I'm Peter Quill."



"We have 2 others, Rocket the raccoon and.. Groot the tree." Quill sighs.

"Tony Stark. Iron Man."

"Doctor Stephen Strange."

"Peter Parker. Spiderman."

"Y/N Maximoff. Nocturne. Not very pleased to make your acquaintance." I bow sarcastically once again and shoot him a dirty look.

"Maximoff? You mean the Scarlet Witch? One of the most powerful people in the world?" Mantis' eyes widen.

I nod and use one hand to show off my powers. "The one and only."

20 minutes later

"Excuse me?" Mantis' voice rings out. "But does your friend often do that?"

We stand outside and see DS floating above a rock. His head is going from side to side.

"Strange? We alright?" Mr. Stark yells.

We walk over to him and Tony grabs him as he yells and comes down, breathing heavily.

"You're back. You're alright." Mr. Stark reassured him.

"What was that?" Peter asks.

"I went forward in time to view alternate futures." DS explains. "To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict."

"How many did you see?" Quill questions.

"14,000,605." DS replies.

"How many did we win?" My voice trembles.

DS stays silent for a moment.


"I need a phone. Does anyone have a phone?" I start pacing around anxiously.

"Why do you need a phone?" Mr. Stark asks.

"I need to call my mom!" I yell.

I feel around my pockets and find my phone. I pull it out and walk over to a rock, sitting down and dialling my moms number. It rings and rings before going to voicemail. My lips quiver and I let tears fall.

"Hey mom." I begin for the voicemail. "I just wanted to call you."

I pause and look down.

"I'm so scared. I wish I was there with you.. and dad." I cry out. "I just wish you could hold me in your arms.. and just.. just tell me it's all gonna be okay.. and that.. that we're gonna get through this!"

I calm down a bit. "Just call me back, okay? I love you."

I end the voicemail and throw my phone into the sand. I hide my face in my arms and take deep breaths. Then, something rang out in my heart and I looked into someone's eyes. I saw Thanos on the edge of the Vormir cliff where the Soul Stone was. I saw hands hitting Thanos before someone gets thrown off the edge. I heard Thanos yell 'Gamora'. Then, it all went black.

"Quill, what did you say your girls name was?" I ask quickly and stand up.

"Gamora." Quill replies, a puzzled expression laid on his face.

My heart saddens and my eyes fill with tears. I look down and fiddle with my fingers. "I'm sorry."

"What?" Quills voice breaks. "What do you mean? Why are you sorry?"

"I saw it." I say. "She's dead. Thanos threw her off the edge for the Soul Stone."

Quill shakes his head. "That can't be true."

𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤𝖱, 𝖯𝖤𝖳𝖤𝖱 𝖯𝖠𝖱𝖪𝖤𝖱 ✓ (x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now