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Seconds, minutes,hours,days,weeks, months and years have past, it has been three years now since Alisha came to New York.

A lot has changed, part of which is, her being famous and is known all over world.

She has alot of restaurants in different states her biggest branch is in Saudi though she has never being there Adnan and Ameerah usually go there. But the restaurant is in her name.

They also own a company in Saudi and New York City. Adnan normally stays in Saudi because of the company and restaurant.

Ameerah has being the best sister anyone could ask for.

In this three years alot has happened,
Like the death of Balkisu and her husband.

On their way to New York, it was a plane crash.

Alisha blamed her self once again.

Asim was with her till he reach one year and some months, surely Aryan kept his words.

She fed her two children.

The death of sofia is still Crystal clear in her memory.

But the death of Adda Balkisu and her husband is something she still can't believe.

Something she don't want to ever remember.

It was a plane crash that she will never forget.

She missed her alot.

May she rest in peace.
May her husband Rest In Peace.

She walked inside her company, the guards opening the door for her as everyone one in the office stood up muttering a good morning she nods her head as a sign of response before heading towards the elevator her secretary hot on her tails following her as she reached the last floor of the building.

Entering her office she opened the curtains to the window.

Today is a cloudy day, she thought.

"Ma'am you have a meeting with the near by countries in four days time, sir Adnan has already start making schedules is a project and who ever wins has the upper hand, the other companies suggest that it happen here in our company, the meeting took place the day you went to the restaurant but ma'am Ameerah took care of it, but you have a meeting with the staff today in the afternoon and also have to go to New Jersey to check the restaurant over there, the chef there are having some problem and we also have some hotel rooms over there which needs some new arrangements" Emily said calmly.

"Ok make the arrangements for going to New Jersey and for the meeting am sorry I promise to be with Aariz but I will ask Ameerah to do it" Alisha said.

"And also Asim and khalil are coming over next tommorow I need you to call merry the nanny for me to come over with Aariz so that I can tell her what to do, you can get going now" Alisha added.

Emily replied before going out leaving Alisha to continue her work, hours into it the door opened revealing a handsome looking Adnan clad in a grey suit with merry and Aariz wearing the same clothes like Adnan making Alisha laugh he looked handsome for sure.

He opened his tinny little arms yelling mama before running towards her she opened her arms and wrapped it around him pressing a soft kiss on the crown of his head ruffling his hair.

"I miss you, school was fun today and hero bought the same dress for me so that we can be twins" he said in his soft voice making her heart warm she loved him alot but he always remind her of his father and Aasim they look alike so much, she missed Aasim .

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