Chapter 30

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"Hey, someone wants to interview you guys." I said at the lunch table the next day.


"How am I supposed to know?" I groaned. "Can I resign being the manager?"

"If you resign we'll stop being friends." Honoka took out her lunch.

"So you're saying… you're using me."

"That's exactly right." Eli took a bite while nodding. 

"What else do you think you're here for?" Umi asked.

"You guys are really mean, you know?" I pouted.

"Yeah yeah, hey Kotori, did you hear what Takashi was going to do yesterday?" Nozomi asked, grinning at me.

"No, what was he going to do?" She eyed me.

"He was going to beat up more people." Nico snitched. 

"For a good cause." I added very quickly.

"There's no cause for you to beat people up." Maki sighed, "Unless you're defending something you care about." 

"That's exactly right!"

"I feel like I already know what happened so let's move on." Kotori said.

"It's hard to believe you guys are dating." Rin laughed, "It looks like you don't even care for him."

"Right?" I agreed.

"Yeah where's the lovey dovey part?" Honoka asked.

"It probably will never come." Kotori shrugged as the rest of the girls patted my back.

"So when is this interview taking place?" Umi asked, getting back to business.

"Tomorrow. They said the day after I got it." I sighed and handed them the paper.

"Um… Takashi?" Eli asked.


"When did you get this paper?" 


"You're stupid!" Umi strangled me.

"What why?"

"It means it's today!" Kotori also helped Umi.

"But they said when I gave it to you-"

"You were supposed to give it yesterday!" Maki joined in.

"Well technically they said tomorrow and since tomorrow isn't a real day-"

They were not impressed with my logic.

We finally figured everything out, thanks to Umi, and we took off towards the building where they were holding it after school.

Since the finals of Love Live were only a few weeks away, it seemed only natural that they interview some of the top idol groups in Japan.

"Welcome! What brings you all in today?" A lady at the front desk asked us.

They stared at me, waiting for me to answer again.

"This is really getting old." I sighed, "Hi, we're Muse and we've been invited to attend an interview today."

"All right! Please head to conference room two-hundred and four please!"

We thanked her and headed to that room. "You're getting better at this." Maki complimented.

"I don't understand why you can't just answer for yourselves." 

"You are representing us." Eli reminded me.

"And you love doing your job!" Honoka nodded happily.

She was right, even though they make me do the stupidest things sometimes, I definitely love doing it with them.

Arriving at the prestigious room two-hundred and four I waved them all goodbye as I sat on one of the couches there. 

"Alright see you." They waved as they entered the room.

About a minute later however, Kotori came back out of the room. "Um…"

"What's wrong?"

"They want you too."

Oh god. What did we do wrong this time…

I trudged into the room, not sure what to expect. 

"Hi, so you must be Takashi-san correct?" A lady shook my hand. "I wanted to get everyone from Muse in here and as you became their tenth member, I had to get you too!"

"Yay…" I said unenthusiastically, which earned me an elbow from Kotori.

There was something fishy going on here. Why call me in? All they needed was the girls since the only thing I'm used for is bringing them places.

"Let's begin, shall we?"

That lady had set a trap, I just couldn't figure out where.

"Good afternoon idol fans! We're only a few weeks away from the prestigious Love Live competition, so today we brought the reigning champions Muse for a short interview!"

"Thanks for having us." We bowed politely.

"So, first of all I think the world wants to know." She began. "Kotori Minami, are you able to compete despite your injury?"

Kotori scratched her head, "Um, unfortunately I don't think so. I haven't been practicing for a while and we've already come up with an eight person routine."

"But Kotori will still be a big role in our performance." Honoka reminded them, "Our outfits are so cute because of her!"

"And as long as we're there together, and all ten of us are in the building, Muse will do it's best." Eli grinned.

"That's right! All ten of you!" The lady nodded, turning to me, "You're a recent addition to the group, correct?"

"Yep. Although as much as I want to quit, they won't allow me." I folded my arms.

"That's how you know he cares for us." Hanayo said.

"We don't need to go into the details of why he joined in the first place, correct?" Nico eyed me.

"Are you implying the time that I-"

"Okay okay okay!" Kotori covered my mouth.

"I'm sensing a bit of chemistry here." The lady smiled.

"If you're talking about them and me, they just bully me." 

"Not specifically the group…"

Oh god, the trap has been activated. She has shown her entire hand as she goes all in for a blow.

"There's actually a picture someone in the agency took that came to my attention."

The whole reason I was called in for this very moment.

"What is it?"

She showed it to us on a computer. 

"Or should I say pictures?"

There were five pictures. 

And all of them…

Were of Kotori and I...

Sorry I didn't update yesterday! I'm currently on vacation so probably nothing tomorrow...

All right thanks for reading!

Be safe! Mask up! Don't be stupid!


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