Chapter 7

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The day of the festival came. School idol fans from all around Japan came to this event. Top idol agencies were there to recruit people after graduation.

We arrived in the evening around five. Their call time was six and they would perform two songs.

"Are you guys feeling nervous? Because I feel nervous for you." I said taking a look at the stage.

"There's no reason to get nervous." Honoka assured me, "We may suck at starting practice or we take a ton of time coming up with lyrics,"

"But when it comes down to it, we always get it right." Kotori grinned.

"Yeah, but it would help my stress a little if you guys actually practiced." Umi sighed.

"I don't think there's a problem with that as long as we do good." Rin said.

"That's cause you're an idiot." Maki stated.

"I was just copying you~"

"Now girls, let's not fight before a performance." Nozomi broke them apart, "You can fight after."

"It says there are three stages: A, B, and C. We're performing on A, which is the biggest one." Umi read off of the packet we were given.

"Let's go watch other people!" Rin pointed excitedly.

Hanayo was completely fan-girling, "There's A.R.I.S.E! Everybody is here!" 

We watched the others for a little while and I had to admit, they were good. Almost too good.

I saw a little bit of Muse's practice session, I wasn't very impressed.

Umi was choking out Honk, Nozomi was doing something I wished I didn't have to see, and Hanayo was eating rice.

I turned my attention back to some of the idols. They could sing and dance really well. But one thing really caught my eye.

Some of them were also extremely hot.

"Hey Takashi, I think you're smiling a little too much." Kotori waved a hand in front of my face.

"He's definitely thinking of something perverted right now." Maki sighed.

"No!" I said.

"Sure whatever you say." Nozomi smiled.

"We're going to go change, don't walk in on us." Eli teased.

"Do your best… cause if you do good then I'll buy you something to eat." 

"Wow wow wow, I could use some McDonald's right now." Rin laughed.

"I'm not that cheap!"

I don't know how they can be so relaxed. It doesn't matter if they won Love Live or whatever you should still be nervous.

As their manager I was allowed to be backstage for the concert so after they changed (yes after) they all gathered as a group.

"Here we go guys!" Honoka encouraged, "We worked hard so let's do this thing! Food is on Takashi!"











"Muse! Music… Start!"

They performed their new song. As much as I wanted to not cheer them on, I ended up clapping once the song was over.

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