Chapter 12

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I was having a dream, that on my wedding day I stood next to the person who gave me the necklace back then. 

When I kept trying to ask what her name was, she would just laugh and told me I should know by now.

In that dream I was asked to take her as my newly wedded wife. I accepted.

Instead of rings we put our matching charms on. I didn't know her name, yet something about her seemed familiar.

"akashi- Takashi- Takashi!" I was rudely awakened by Honoka.

"W-what happened?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Our interview is over, you slept right through it." Umi shook her head.

"I'm sorry that I was taking care of your best friend last night." I replied.

"Wait, so you took Kotori-chan to your place?" Eli said.

"Yeah, I didn't know where her house was and she wouldn't tell me." 

"Uh oh." Maki said, "We'll congrats because you're, to the fans, Kotori's boyfriend!"

"Wait what?" I looked at Umi, "Is this true?!"

"Yes it's true."

"Someone took a picture of you carrying Kotori out of the rain. Bridal style to be exact." Hanayo said.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean-" 

"Well can't we just say we're not dating?" Kotori piped up for the first time.

"I don't think that's how it works with paparazzi I'm afraid." Eli said.

"What do you mean that's not how it works?! We're telling the truth!" I told her. "Where's the jerk that took it, I'm giving them a piece of my mind… and my fist."

"Woah woah woah." Nozomi held me down. "Relax big guy. On the bright side you're dating an idol."

"We're not dating!" I pointed out defensively.

A little too defensively.

"Eh? So do you have feelings or something because I'm sure you guys can be real dating soon enough." She grinned.

"Basically what I mean is the media is gonna take any scoop they can get and milk it until it stops bringing them money." Eli said, "Unfortunately we can't really do anything until Kotori can really convince them that you're not dating."

"Why can't I convince them?!" I said.

"Well because literally no one knows who the hell you are." Maki rolled her eyes.

"We didn't exactly tell people we had a manager now." Nico sighed.

"Odds are people don't know it's you. They just know that Kotori over here is dating someone." Umi finished.

"This is getting really confusing… can I go back to bed now?" 

"Nope, come on I'm hungry!" Honoka pulled me up.

"You don't expect me to pay right Honk?" 

"You get paid right? So you should definitely pay."

Guess who ended up paying… we headed to a ramen shop and just ate there. Eli surprisingly ate a ton. I guess that's where she gets her chest size.

Nico thought so too as she attempted to wolf down the ramen. Unfortunately I don't think it will help her.

"So the qualifiers are coming up, are you guys ready?" I asked. 

"Takashi, you've seen us practice you know we're always ready." Honoka grinned.

"And that's exactly why I'm worried." I sighed. "Whenever you think you're ready, you're not."

"Wow wow, look at someone who's acting responsible for once." Umi smiled at me. 

"Don't worry, all you have to do is find a way for us to get there." Kotori added.

"Yeah speaking of that, what are our funds looking like?" Hanayo asked after eating her fourth bowl.

My bank account is looking too good and apparently neither was ours.

"Not enough." I told them.

"Eh?! But the qualifiers are in two weeks!" 

"How are we going to come up with the money?!"

"Think manager-san think!"

I face palmed. "I think it's pretty obvious I'm not good with money either, I just blew last week's pay on you guys."

"How are we going to win if we can't even make it to the qualifiers?" Maki shook her head.

"You should've told us earlier!" Kotori said.

"I just checked today!"

"You should be checking every day!" Honoka yelled.

"Guys, fighting about it isn't going to help." Eli calmed us down. "We're just going to have to do something about it."

"Beg the student council for more money?" I suggested.

"What did we even use the money on last time?" Nozomi asked me.

I looked through my phone to see past purchases, "Um… according to the history we bought, a Kotori figure in a maid outfit, and a surpringly amount of sweets."

We all turned to the leader. "HONOKA!"

"Uh… um… hey let's talk about this." She turned to the man working behind the counter, "I'm gonna need two bowls, beef broth with two eggs now." 

That night I was in my room watching some TV, when Misaki came in.

"Yo! I saw you on the news today. So are you and Kotori-chan and item now?" 

"No, I'm surprised you knew it was me." I replied not looking up from the TV.

"Well I think you go for her. She was blushing in the photo as she held on."

"She was sick." I said unfazed by the comment.

"Eh really? I don't think your whole face goes red when you're sick." She grinned.

"Wait really?" I jumped up from the couch.

"Gotcha!" She said triumphantly. "So you do like Kotori-chan!"

"W-w-what? What makes you say that?!" I said way too defensively.

She raised an eyebrow after hearing my statement.

"Okay maybe it's a small liking but that doesn't matter!" I pointed out, "You always have a 'small liking' whenever a guy talks to you!"

"Hey you!" She hit me on the head, "You keep my love story out of this!"



"Single lady!"


She left soon after that. I kept watching until I realize what I said…

Maybe a small liking? Did I just admit a lie?

Or maybe it was the truth...

Woooh I'm really tired, have a good day or night everyone...

Question is are you enjoying this book lol?

Be safe! Mask up! Don't be stupid!


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