Chapter 9

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"Woah what happened to you?" Umi said as I walked into the class.

"Work." I replied.

It was the Monday after the little scuffle I had at the cafe.

I still had a black eye and a few bruises on my face. When I woke up this morning I almost thought I was someone else.

"What kind of work are they making you do?"

"Um, I'm actually a chef believe it or not."

"Not a very good one I suppose." She smiled, "Where do you work?"

"In Akibahara, with Kotori actually..."

"You mean-"


"And so-"


"So let me guess what happened, some idiots came in and were doing things to Kotori so you decided to be the hero." She said not even looking up from her book.

"How did you-"

"It's not hard considering she works at a maid cafe. Guys do that all the time to her." She shrugged, we tried to convince her to quit, but she refused.

"Wait, you mean she's used to that?"

"Well I guess since you're there you'll be fine." She looked at me weirdly, "Is there something on your neck?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, this is a necklace I got a long time ago. I use it as my lucky charm, although it hasn't been working lately considering I ended up with you all."

She didn't even react to my insult, "Uh-huh, was it a gift or something?"

"Yeah, a girl I met when I was little gave it to me." I responded.

"Mhm, so do you remember this girl's name?"

"Nope, all I know is that I had a crush on her and I never told her."

"Ah..." she nodded.

"Why are you so interested anyways?"

Her face flushed up for a second, "U-uh no particular reason. Just was interested was all."

"Okay?" I said confused. Why was she acting so suspicious? She couldn't have been the girl because she had long light colored hair.

"Woooh! Check this out- what happened?" Honoka ran in.

"Long story, I got in a fight." I shrugged.

"Did you win?"

"Honoka!" Umi scolded.

"Duh, of course I won..." I grinned.

We filled her in on the details.

"Awesome job! Way to protect your girlfriend!" She punched me in the arm.

"How did I know you were going to say that?" I sighed, "Also for your information we're not dating, not even close."

"Sure..." both girls said grinning, "Whatever you say."

"You guys are a pain."

"Love you too." Honoka said.

"So what did you need to tell us?" Umi asked.

"Oh yeah! Check this out!" She took out her phone. "Look we're number two in the top school idol groups right now!"

"Awesome!" Umi grabbed the phone.

"Wait, I thought you were number one after winning the Love Live..." I said confused.

"Well we fell from the rankings before the next school year and we're building ourselves back up right now." Kotori said walking in.

"Why are you so late?" I looked up at her.

"Cause I wanted to." She said sarcastically, "There's an accident on the road so..."

"Anyways," Honoka continued, "they emailed me and asked if we could do an interview later this week."

"They didn't email me?" I said sadly, "But I'm the manager..."

"So we're totally doing it right?" Kotori said excitedly.


"Does nobody care that I take care of this group?"

Nobody answered.


Umi's POV

While we were stretching for practice I grabbed Honoka to tell her what Takashi told me.

"Honoka, remember what Kotori told us about the guy she gave the necklace to?" I said to her.

"Yeah what about him? Wait, don't tell me you've found him?"

"I think I have... and you've seen him too." I pointed at Takashi. "Him."

"WHAT?!" She shouted.

"Shut up!" I hissed. "Not too loud!"

"ReALLy?!" She ignored me.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I covered her mouth.

"You two okay over there?" Eli looked in concern.

"Oh yeah we're fine totally fine." I responded as cooly as possible.

"How do you know?" Honoka whispered finally.

"Watch," I told her, "Takashi! Come here real quick."

"What's up?" He said with his clipboard in hand.

"I really want to show Honoka your necklace so can I see it?" I said as non suspiciously as possible.

"Uh sure." He took it off.

Honoka's eyes immediately widened, making Takashi look at her confused.

Sensing this Honoka played it off, "U-u-u-uh I j-just wanted to see how pretty it was."

I didn't say she played it off right...


"Um, uh where'd you get it?" Honoka couldn't help but ask.

"A girl that I liked gave it to me and kept a bracelet that is a replica of this. But we still met to this day." He shrugged, "it's a good luck charm."

"I see, what would you do if you met her again?" She offered.

"Honoka!" I warned.

"It's fine Umi." He said.

No it's not. I'm not afraid of what you'll say I'm afraid she'll blow our cover.

"I'd probably confess how I felt and if she liked me back, even thought it's five years too late."

"Awwww..." we said then nodded at each other.

We knew what we had to do. We had to find a way to get these two to "meet" without making it awkward.

Turns out it's harder than we thought...

Alright here's chapter 9! Hope you all liked it! Also huge thank you for reading this story still, I'm surprised it's even doing good...

I feel like as long as I'm writing to everyone who reads the book then it doesn't matter if algorithm-senpai won't show up!

Thank you all so much and I hope you all keep supporting me in the future!

Question of the day is what is your favorite Love Live sub-unit? Mine is CYaRon!

Be safe! Mask up! Don't be stupid!


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