Chapter 13

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"Takashi-san are you dating Kotori?!" 

"We saw you on idol news last night!"

My classmates all crowded around my desk. It was a little bit before school started so a lot of students were talking.

"What are you talking about?" I looked at them weirdly, "Idol news? There's such a thing?"

"Yeah! Since Muse is one of the top school idol groups they get featured on Japan's idol news!" One of them showed me a video.

"Hey this was from yesterday…" I watched on her phone.

It was when they asked the question of whether or not Kotori had a boyfriend.

"So are you dating her?" They asked excitedly. 

"I think you'd look great together." One said.

"Um… that's not even me." I lied.

"Yeah sure," they laughed, "here's a closer picture." 

It looked exactly like me.

"Uh, yeah that's definitely not me…"

"Hey guys, look, it's Kotori. Let's go ask her!" They ran off to the second year.

I took a deep breath as Umi shook her head at me. "That's what happens when you become idols…" 

"Yeah even the freaking manager gets involved." I complained.

"Not my fault you peeped on us about three months ago."

It had been a while since my fateful encounter with the nine of them. Three hectic months…

"Okay but the one with Kotori just isn't fair, right Honk?" I asked the leader as she sat down.

"Well you did the right thing… you took care of your girlfriend!" She grinned.

"I can't tell if you're joking or not."

"Well, do you like Kotori-chan?" She asked. Even Umi raised an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't exactly call it like… I just feel like we've been together before this." I shrugged.

They nodded, "But that means you have a crush on her." 

"Who knows? I can't pinpoint the feeling, but I'm not some dense idiot like this other guy named Shizuko was in a book I read."

"I think you'd look good together." Umi smiled.

"Want me to find out if she's into you?" Honoka asked me happily.

"I mean I can't stop you, but at the same time I can't like someone because another person is already on my heart." I told them.

"Who?" Honoka asked.

"Could it be the person you told us about?" Umi said.

"Yep, but maybe she forgot about me by now. I guess I could try and move on."

"You and Kotori have been hanging out a lot, even while working." Umi commented. "I think you'd make a great couple."

"Yeah didn't you beat another guy up the other day?" Honoka said.

I nodded, "Unfortunately business isn't exactly booming but as long as we get customers that don't cause trouble that's all I care about."

Kotori was still being bombarded with questions as the teacher came in. We all took our seats and began our lesson.

At least I thought it was a lesson.

"Class please clear your desks, we're taking a test."

Son of a-

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