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On your wedding day you walked proudly down the isle. With your bridesmaids accompanying you, I stood watching from a distance. As you beamed at the guests on your special day, I smiled when your eyes laid on mine.

Luckily enough, 

I'm the groom.


"Eh?" I groaned sitting up. This wasn't my bedroom. Umi stood there in a tuxedo. "What's wrong?"

"Jeez... you'd expect that on your wedding day you'd at least be awake!" she scolded.

That's right. 

Kotori and I were getting married!

It had been five years since Kotori came back from America. Since then, everything had returned back to normal. 

Or... maybe our idea of "normal" had changed.

You see, when she came back, I wrapped up my final year in organizational management while the first years graduated. Yes, I still call them first years.

After that, I proudly posed with my certificate before signing a contract with the company Sunrise

Since then, Muse has been releasing singles, albums, you name it! Oh yeah and I guess Aqours is there too. Did you also know we have our own video game? Yep! Love Live School Idol Festival! AND I'M IN IT!

Okay maybe for like two scenes... but you know what that's better than most managers get. Also get this... WE'RE GONNA BE IN AN ANIME!

Okay... maybe not me at least for the first two seasons. But hopefully they will take pity and at least acknowledge my help to Muse.

You remember what I said about Muse taking over the world? Well, we've been to America, Canada, all over Europe, and other Asian countries.

Okay that's enough context. You're probably trying to get to the part about the wedding. Seeing as Kotori and I had been dating for seven years, I decided to spend my funds on a little something...

Actually, if I remember correctly I told Umi I was going to buy Kotori a ring.

"Why would you do that?" she asked.

"BECAUSE I'M GOING TO PROPOSE YOU IDIOT!" Honestly, what else did she think I was going to do.

"Can't you guys just use your necklace and bracelet?" 


"She hasn't even said yes."


Anyways, we one hundred percent planned on using our charms. Pretty cliche right?

The whole planning thing was really stupid, I stayed out of that part. Well, that's a lie. I tried to help, but they immediately kicked me out. 

"It's okay, I still love you." is what Kotori said.

"Hang on a second... I'm the one with the management degree so I think I'll be a great choice to plan this wedding-" That was when Honoka shoved me.

Well frick.

So for about three months I did nothing but destroy some of the girl's little cousins in Super Smash Bros.

There were many times where it seemed like they were overworking themselves, but they wouldn't listen to me whenever I told them to take a break.

However, once again your boy was not exactly helpful in any way.

On Your Wedding Day (MC x Kotori)Where stories live. Discover now