Chapter 28

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"What's with your smug face?" Misaki asked me as I walked back to the dorm on Christmas Eve.

"Nothing much." I said with a stupid grin still plastered on my face.

"What happened with you and Kotori?"

"Let's just say that your boy has finally not rejected a girl."

"Impossible!" She gasped then smiled. "Wait, I thought that you were waiting until Love Live was done?"

"Well, she's injured so she decided to finally try it." I explained.

"I better not get any grandchildren soon." She warned. "Take care of her, okay?"

"Always have, and always will."

Kotori's POV 

"Why are you smiling so hard?" Umi asked me as I was on a video call with her.

"Nothing." I continued to grin.

"Something must have happened." She pressed on.

Honoka joined the call, "Merry almost Christmas!" She cheered, "Look, even Kotori is this happy!"

"For a different reason…" Umi stroked her pretend beard. "Did something happen with Takashi?"

"Definitely not… he only brings me pain." I lied.

"Fine, let me add him to the call." 



"Yo!" Honoka greeted.

"Anything happened to you, Takashi?" Umi got straight to the point.

"Maybe." He smiled, then realized who else was on the call. 

We could see his eyes widen on the screen, "Huh? What's that Misaki? Do you need help? Okay!" He hung up.

"Alright… what happened Kotori?"

"W-what? He just had to help Miss Misaki, that's all!" I attempted to get out of this.

"Are you guys dating?!" Honoka's eyes sparked with interest.


"CONGRATULATIONS!" She screamed.

Umi pressed a few buttons, next thing I knew all of Muse was on the call.

"Kotori, would you like to repeat what you said?" Umi asked.

"U-uh… I don't think so."

"I can, I can!" Honoka raised her hand.

"I think we should let Kotori say it." Umi gave me a thumbs up.

"Fine." I gave up. "Takashi and I are…" 

"Are?" They all said in unison.


They might as well have set off fireworks from their reaction.




"She's all grown up."

"When's the wedding?"


"I'll buy protection…"

"We're still on for tomorrow though right?" Eli asked the group.

"We're gonna give him it?" 

On Your Wedding Day (MC x Kotori)Where stories live. Discover now