Chapter 44

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I was dreaming... that on my wedding day stood the girl that gave me my necklace in front of me. That I was wearing it and she was wearing her bracelet. 

By saying two words our lives would be connected forever. And nothing would be the same.




"What Honoka?" I said waking up from my nap. 

The group and I were riding a train over to the actual company building of Love Live to grab the trophy. It didn't occur to me that I was leaning on Kotori who was also passed out. 

"You're going to suffocate her." she said pulling me off. 

"My bad." I sat up straight, "So how far away are we?"

"In like two stops." Umi said looking at the handout they had at the station.

"Thank God." I breathed. Honestly how is the top idol group in the nation still taking trains? We're going to have to make some changes when I "officially" take over.

There was four days left until Kotori left... graduation was tomorrow which means we'd also be together. The third years had planned a trip together and ironically enough left the same day as Kotori, same airport as well.

It was hard picturing the thought of the ten of us going separate ways, even if it was for a little bit. After they got back we'd all be together again. 

Nozomi planned on helping at the temple, Nico was going to stay at home so her mother could go to work, and Eli was going to become a dance teacher part-time.

There was no reason for me to feel lonely, and yet why did I feel as though I was?

This summer was going to be a boring one...

"THIS SUMMER IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!" Honoka shrieked as we entered the Love Live company building. 

"Why do you say that nya~" 

"Because look!" she pointed. "That's going to be us!"

There were different pictures from previous photoshoots. Including one from the coveted A.R.I.S.E. 

Out of the corner of the eye I saw Kotori grimace. Unfortunately any photoshoots they did have over the summer wouldn't exactly include her...

Eli seemed to notice it too, "I don't know Honoka, we're not a complete group."

Honoka caught on quicker than I expected, "OHHH! Right!" 

"We don't even know if they want to have a photoshoot with us." I said nodding. 

We were all trying to make Kotori feel better. Hopefully it was working...

"THIS TROPHY IS HUUUUUUGE!" Honoka beamed as she held it up. "How do I look in this pose? How about this one? Or this?" she continuously put her self in different positions next to the trophy.

"Group picture!" Nozomi said holding it up. They all gathered by the third year.

"One, two, th-" Umi stopped and stared at me. "What are you doing?"


"Get in the picture!" Maki shoved me over.

Hanayo nodded, "Much better." 

"This one's going on the 'gram!" Honoka grinned.

"I wonder when we can get verified on instagram?" Nico said.

On Your Wedding Day (MC x Kotori)Where stories live. Discover now