Chapter 4

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Well I better start getting used to being a manager. I knew I needed to manage them by signing them up for concerts and stuff, but other than that I didn't really know what to do.

So that night I searched up how to be an idol manager. Naturally there were thousands of hits but I chose one directly from an idol manager himself.

"To be their manager, you first have to become their friend." 

Well, I already saw them in panties… I guess that's a good start? Maybe it's bad the way you look at it. The point is we're close already!

The rest of the article was talking about how you also have to make sure they're eating right, not working too hard, and are healthy.

Pretty much being a manager was more than booking a place for a concert. 

So the next day I walked in ready.

But what I saw was something I wasn't ready for again.

"Do you know how to knock?!" 


Anyways after they finished changing they began warming up. I wanted to see what they'd do and just sat back and observed.

They stretched, worked on the choreography, and sat around and ate snacks together.

"Do you want something to eat Takashi-san?" Kotori asked.

"Yeah Manager-san we eat as a group and that includes you now!" Honoka waved me over.

"Or are you too shy because there's nine cute girls next to you?" Nozomi teased.

"Fine, fine." I said without flinching. It would take more than that to make me blush.

Honoka then called the group to attention, "I hereby present to you our new friend and manager, Takashi-san! Actually… Takashi-kun!"

They all cheered, "And even though all of our rights to get married have been taken away we'll still befriend him!"

I stood up, "I'd like to take this moment to apologize-"

"To absolutely no one?" Umi guessed.

"No! I'm actually apologizing!" 

"Who would've thought the guy who lands every girl in school would apologize?" Kotori smiled.

"How many girls have you banged so far?" Nozomi called.

"Did you use protection?" Rin joined in.

"How many girls asked you out today?" Hanayo said enjoying herself.

"Who'd you say yes to?" Okay even Eli was joining in.

"SHUT UP! Do you want an apology or not?" I yelled tired of being bullied.

"Look, we're passed that, as long as you don't do it again." Eli winked.

"From now on Muse has a tenth member." Maki said.

"And even though he's a bit of a jerk," Kotori stated.

"Even though he's a pervert," Umi said.

"He's still our friend." They smiled.

Shoot. Something makes me feel warm inside. How can I make it stop?!

Has it finally hit me that I befriended nine cute idol girls? How many guys would love to be in my position? 

I guess we'll never know.

They rested while I asked them a bunch of questions. I wanted to hear their whole story.

Here it is summarized: Honoka wanted to become school idols because she saw A.R.I.S.E and decided that's what would help save their school. They needed to gather more students or else they'd be shut down. But they had some trouble, for example student council president Eli who wasn't a big fan. But in the end they all were able to win Love Live. Oh yeah Umi slapped Honoka at some point.

I went back to the dorm after that. They all invited me to go study at Eli's house but I replied I needed to check in with my dorm mom. (Really though I didn't want to tell them I forgot my stuff)

My dorm mom Misaki greeted me as I came back.

"Find a girlfriend?"

"Are you married yet?"

"Shut up!"

It may not sound like it, but the two of us are close. I met her when I was eight, she was just eighteen at the time. 

I was the rebel back then, I'd always get into fights and maybe even get injured. She'd always go back and bandage me right up.

"Don't get into fights or else you'll ruin your face and never get married." She would tell me each time.

So now whenever I see her I'd always make sure to ask, "You been in any fights lately?"

She smiled at me as I walked into the dorm. "What's up? Why do you look happy for once?"

"You make me sound like an emo kid." I complained, "And nothing happened as a matter a fact."

"That's not what my phone call said." She said.

"What are you talking about?"

"There was this cute voice on the other end." She grinned, "It was Honoka-chan of Muse. You know, the big school idol group that everyone loves?"

"Honoka? How did she know where I lived?"

"Anyways she was talking about how you were their manager, is this true? Which one is your girlfriend?" She asked excitedly.

"Relax there you love crazy single person, we just started off as friends, at least I hope. I also may or may not have taken their right to get married. Twice." I explained.

"What did you do?" Misaki stared at me in horror.

"How was I supposed to know that they changed there?" 

"You did it twice! You should have learned your lesson!"

"That may be true but at the same time there's something called a bathroom!"

"So what are you going to do as manager?" She said.

"I don't know." I admitted, "Probably help them win Love Live or whatever."

She nodded, "Cherish these nine okay?"

I sighed, she was right. I never really had "friends". They were always people I'd hang out with but never really did anything with them. Girls would always ask me out, but I'd always reject. 

"Who knows," she continued, "maybe one of them is her." 

Only one other person knew about my interaction with the girl who gave me the charm and that was Misaki. 

Mainly because she found me talking to her a lot.

"Yeah, yeah go get married already." I rolled my eyes. "That stuff only happens in anime."

She laughed, "Speaking of anime, who's your best girl in K-ON?"

"Mio duh." I replied before heading up into my room. "Azusa's a brat." I fired at her.

"You take that back!" She yelled, defending her favorite character.

Today had been a long day. But it was just the start of the long days to come…

Woooh! Chapter 4 is done! Hope you all liked it! I better hurry up because I'm technically at work right now.

Who's your favorite Muse member? That's today's poll. You know I love you and I'm out!

Be safe! Mask up! Don't be stupid!


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