Chapter 29

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Two months later Kotori could come to school. She had the boot fully off, but unfortunately for Muse, she wasn't in any shape to compete in Love Live.

Not just the fact that her foot wasn't strong, but she had maybe put on a few "pity pounds". 

She wasn't fat, definitely not. But she also wasn't as skinny as usual. 

I mean with the calorie intake of those cheesecakes she's been eating, no wonder.

So on her first day back our classmates had many questions.

"How's the foot?"

"It's definitely better."

"Are you really out of Love Live?"

"Yes and it's our manager's fault."

"How was time off?"

"A little boring, but definitely easier with Honoka, Umi, and Takashi."

"Glad to see you're back."

"Thanks! It means a lot."

Basically all of the conversations she had went lime that.

I completely ignored her while she was being questioned.

Now that I think about it, Kotori and I have never been at school together ever since we started dating.

So what the heck were we supposed to do?

In between classes Kotori pulled me aside. "Remember, you promised not to say that we're dating, understand?"

"Right you are ma'am!" I saluted.

"Good, because if someone were to find out we'd both be dead meat." 

And so that's how it was. For the next few days Kotori and I barely spoke to each other at school.

Only after school when I walked her home would we get a little more… close.

And by that I mean putting my arm around her shoulder.

Ew… I'd never do pre marital hand holding.

Unfortunately when the other students saw we would flat out avoid each other, it raised suspicions. 

And so one day a couple of girls cornered me.

"Are you and Kotori-chan fighting?" 

"There's no reason for me to be fighting with her so no."

"Then why are you not talking to each other?"

"I don't know, she just probably doesn't want to talk to me." I shrugged.

"But we saw you walking off together yesterday."

I froze.

"Now that I think about it, you guys have been walking with each other everyday after school." She persisted.

"U-um…" think of a lie Takashi! Hurry up! "I need to help her up her stairs."

"So, you walk her to her house, but you can't speak a few words to each other at school?"

This was starting to become a pain. "It appears that way, yes."

I left a few moments after that. 

No confrontation, I told myself. Kotori told you that you can't announce that you guys are dating. 

"I never said you couldn't talk to me." Kotori reminded me as we walked home together.

"Yeah, but how do I not accidentally spill the beans?" I asked after I explained my conversation that morning.

On Your Wedding Day (MC x Kotori)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora