Chapter 12

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When we finally stop for dinner, the total is 6-0 in uncle's favor.

As we climb up the stairs, both ready to take a shower sweaty and sore. I smell something cooking and realize Nico must be home.

"Nico,when did you get home?" My uncle asks as he walks to Nico and kisses his cheek.

"About 2o minutes ago. You two were sparing and I didn't want to interrupt you." Nico says pushing Uncle Liam away.

Nico is the owner and head chief at the local 5-star restaurant, called Cuts. The thing that makes its 5-star, is that they cut their own meat every morning.

Much like my uncle, Nico is in his mid to late 20's. He has golden honey brown hair, cut short on the sides but long and fluffy on the top. He has light brown skin, showing off his mixed heritage, and a deep soothing voice that I've always liked.

He turns to me showing off those amazing clear blue eyes, while I take a seat at the island and says, "The special was beef at the restaurant, so I restocked your beef blood supply." I nod and him smiling my thanks.

Unlike many of my kind I can't stand human blood, so instead I drink animal blood. Since Nico runs the restaurant, he makes sure that all the blood from the daily cut animals is captured and stored. Til he can bring it home to me.

He turns to my uncle and gives him a quick peck, before he wrinkles his noses and says "Woof, you two smell. Go take a shower before dinner." Neither of us move, "NOW!" He yells out in his chief voice.

"Yes chief." Uncle replies. I laugh as I follow my uncle up the stairs.

About a year and a half ago uncle ran into Nico at his restaurant, it was love at first sight. Nico asked him back and treated him to a full five course dinner, on the house. The only problem, he couldn't eat any of it. Unlike me uncle Liam can't really eat animal blood alone.

The reason why I can is that something when I got turned, something blocked the full vampire effect from taking over. One of the reasons why it took so long. He wasn't has lucky.

You could say I'm like a half vampire the other half of me is still human. Uncle on the other hand is like 90% vamp. Meaning that he has to drink human blood while I can live off animal. We can both survive in the sun but it annoys him faster. Giving him a slight sunburn after a bit, I just get a headache.

Anyways Uncle Liam tried to eat the food Nico made him, but after a bit he couldn't take it anymore and left. He went back the next day and apologized saying that the food was good, but that he physically couldn't eat it. They didn't see each other after that, and I could see how much it hurt my uncle. The following morning, I went to the restaurant. Shoved my way into the kitchen and found Nico.

I asked him if he remembered a guy by the name of Liam. He smiled and said its hard to forget a man like that. I could see the love in his eyes, and promptly told him that I was his Liam's niece. That we are a package deal and if he wanted to be with my uncle that he would have to accept that. He said that he could handle that.

I gave him our address and told him to show up with bouquet of sunflowers and ask Liam out on a date. The next day he did. After about a 6 months of dating, Liam told him what were are. Nico ran ghosted him for 4 months, it broke his heart.

One day he showed up at our door, I all but murder him on sight. He apologized and said he realized that we didn't chose this. That we are just trying to keep our heads down and survive. He accepted us and even started bringing me the leftover animal blood.

He moved in about 3 months ago, and I have never seen my uncle happier then when he's with Nico.

"Hurry up you two. Dinner's almost done." Nico called up.

We both stuck our heads out from our doors and called "Coming" at the same time, then proceeded to laugh.

I beat uncle down the stairs, and helped Nico set the table.

"Alright, time for dinner." Nico said as he pulled out my chair and my uncle's. "So tell me a about your day at school." He said to us with an excited smile.

A smile I returned to him in kind.


After I helped clean up, I went up to my room. Finally hanging up my new uniform on the back of my door. Changing into my patrolling clothes. A simply black tee, black jeans with belt hat has a holder to hook in Imperia, my favorite beanie, and my leather jacket and gloves.

Taking Imperia off its holder, and some of the surrounding weapons (silver throwing daggers, cross bow with silver arrow heads, and a couple ninja stars) placing them in my school bag after taking out my books and notebooks. Hooking Imperia on my belt.

"I'm heading out on patrol guys." I called out, grabbing my keys off the entry table.

"Okay honey, be safe." My uncle called out from the living room couch, arm around the back of it.

"Be home by 2 am, you have an early day tomorrow." Nico reminded me, sitting next to my uncle under a blanket.

"I will, on both fronts. Love you." I called back.

"Love you too." They said in unison, before I closed the door and headed towards my bike. Heading off to my nightly patrolling.

If I knew what was going to happening, later that night I would have stayed home with Nico and Liam.

Instead of almost dying.


Hope you liked Nico and Liam's story. These two have a special place in my heart.

They're a reminder to myself and anybody else who needs it. That not only can you find love after you have suffered something horrible, but that all love is beautiful. #loveislove

-Kate :)

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