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The Victor's POV:

The bright white light blinds me and I sit up immediately. The sudden movement make me dizzy and I flop back onto the stiff pillow behind me. The action makes my back shudder with pain and someone dressed in a creamy white suit comes to my aid. They give me something to drink and tell me to lay back down and relax. I can't relax. I don't even know where I am. Am I dead? I lay on a long white bed in a large, grey room. There are few windows and the only landscape behind them is pale, bright light. There aren't any noises except the insistent voice of the nurse and a low hum that seems to have no source. My vision is still hazy and I can't make out the figure laying beside me. The grey room gives a slight jolt and then the humming stops all together. I'm in a hovercraft. I suddenly become very tired and I wonder if it's what the nurse gave me. My eyes slowly begin to shut and I'm not prepared for what will await me when I wake up.
I'm shuffled behind the velvet curtains and told to wait for the buzzer. Apparently I'm being interviewed. Both the Victors are. I feel sick to my stomach right now and I just want to go home. I don't even know who the other Victor is yet. A loud buzzer sounds and I stumble out onto the stage. As soon as I do, people start screaming my name and throwing flowers at me and chanting and clapping, it makes me want to throw up. I sit next the the interviewer, Joy, and look out amongst the Capitol people.

"Give it up for your young, District 10 Victor, Silver Hale!!!"

What? Is that even my name? I can't be the Victor. I stare around in a daze and faintly nod whenever I'm asked a question. Joy seems very excited about my winning and keeps asking me questions that remind me of the arena. I just want to forget about all of it. The only question that sticks out to me is the last one.

"So, Silver, why did you want to win this?" She asks, curtly.
My mind spins. Why? Why did I want to get home? Why did I want to do any of this?
"I...I wanted to show that not everyone in the outlying districts is weak and that we should be treated fairly just like the Career districts. I wanted to win so that I could prove that just because you thought I was weak and innocent at the start, I can still be strong and courageous and smart and loyal. I wanted to help all of my friends in the games and the real reason I wanted to win was that I could help. I wanted to help my allies and I wanted to help my sister. That's all I ever wanted..." I say quietly.

I begin to quiver and I start to get anxious about all the people watching me. I probably look like I'm about to cry and when Joy finally looks over at me she notices too and sends me off the stage.

A/N: Yay! Finally done Games. The next victor's POV will be in the next chapter. I do hope people have enjoyed this book and I thank you for all the support. I've loved all the nice feedback. Thank you so much! The next Victor will be revealed soon.

Also, I was thinking about maybe writing a sequel. I'm still unsure but comment if you'd still read it.

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