Epilogue-Part 2

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Other Victor's POV:

I rip the sheets off of me and clatter through the wires and stands to get to the door. I bang on the handle but it's locked. There is a small window through which I can see nothing but dull grey walls and passing nurses. One catches my gaze and comes running into my room.

"Miss, you shouldn't be up. Sit back down we're almost there." She shuffles me over to a chair but I resist.

"Where am I? Tell me what happened?" I demand. The nurse keeps a straight face and continues to try and get me to cooperate.
"Miss, please, the President will be in to see you soon. Can you just sit quietly for a few minutes?Please?" She's beginning to get impatient and as much as it annoys me I continue to wait in that mysterious dull room for the rest of the afternoon.
My interview is much like every other one and most if it is just Capitol people screaming at me. I just want to get home. I just want to get home and see my District and my family. I want to see their proud faces when I step through the threshold of our new house. The train ride is fairly boring and my overly excited escort keeps telling me that I should be so honoured and excited about my victory.

When the train finally pulls into District 6 I jump at the first opportunity to get off this train. The wide sliding doors open to reveal an anxious crowd. They call my name when I step onto the platform and they crowd around to ask me questions. I don't care for all the attention. There's only one person that I really want to see.

"Mer..." A strong voice says behind me. Dallon. He's got a wide smile on his face and it looks as though he's going to cry. I walk as fast as I can through the mob of people and throw myself into his arms.
"I knew you'd make us proud." He whispers. Us.

"Where's Frederick,Gabriel and Landon?" I ask. Usually they'd be here waiting, just like Dallon. My brother hesitates.

"Mer...they were taken to the Capitol. Didn't you read my note I sent you?"

The note. The one I ripped up after Dallon was going to tell me something about our parents. I threw it away because I didn't want to know about it.

"Why?" I ask insistently. He puts his arm around my shoulders and we start to walk down the street.

"I'll tell you all about it when we get home."


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