Dress Shopping and the Accident

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I awoke the next morning confused. This wasn't my bedroom. Suddenly I felt movement behind me and realized. I fell asleep in Narcissa's bed last night. I rolled over to see her still sleeping peacefully beside me. I couldn't help but smile at how relaxed and cute she looked while asleep.

I scooted closer and tucked my head underneath her chin, falling back into a peaceful slumber for a bit longer. I soon felt movement again, and was instantly awake, already missing the feeling of being so close to her. I sighed and looked up at Narcissa who was running her hands through her tangled hair, trying to sort it out.

"Good morning love. How did you sleep?" She asked, looking down at me. "That was the most peaceful sleep I've gotten in a while. I guess having you here helped." I smiled. It really was one of the best nights I had had in a while. No nightmares plagued my dreams, no random waking up in the middle of the night panicking. I could get used to this.

We finally pulled ourselves out of bed and went our separate ways to get ready for our trip to Hogsmeade today. I was quite excited to find the perfect dress for this ball and woo the woman of my dreams.

We ate a quick breakfast before heading into town and splitting up. Draco went off to the tailor specializing in suites, Narcissa had her favorite boutique, and I was going to the little shop I often frequented before the dances at school.

I walked into the small dress shop and the bell chimed overhead, alerting the shop owner of my presence. "Hello there y/n. Didn't expect to see you here this time of year." We had grown quite close after the many hours I had spent in here shopping for the perfect outfits.

"Hey Mrs. Shavers. I'm staying with a friend over the holidays this year and am attending their New Years Eve ball so I need a new dress." That excited the old woman and she quickly pulled me over to the large mirror and took my measurements before bustling off to the back.

I heard her call my name from the back rooms. "Any particular style or color we're going for this time Ms. y/n?" I thought for a moment about what would impress Cissy the most. "Uh I think I'd like to go for a black dress. Maybe something with a little sparkle but not too overwhelming. I'm trying to impress someone." I smiled admitting that to the old lady.

"A special boy perhaps?" It sounded as if she was moving through the hundreds of racks of dresses in the back rooms. "A girl actually." I bit my lip waiting on her reply.

"I'm happy for you dear. That explains why you've always avoided my date questions in the past." She chuckled and smirked at me.

She brought out a few dresses in different styles and they were all very pretty, but I hadn't found the one quite yet. She continued bringing me dress after dress. Some flowy, some skin tight, some covered in sparkles, I just didn't know which one was the perfect fit for me.

Finally, I found it. It was perfect. The dress was solid black, skin tight but stretchy and comfortable, the back was open and just had a few strings holding it together, it had a slit all the way up my thigh, and was incredibly low cut, showing off what little cleavage I had to work with. "This one. This is the one I want her to see me in." I smiled at myself in the mirror imagining Narcissa's reaction to me wearing something this revealing, this sexy.

I paid for the dress and had it magically sent back to the Manor to avoid the other two from seeing it. I wanted to shock everyone that night. I definitely wasn't known for wearing bold clothing and this would most definitely change that.

I hung out in Hogsmeade while I waited on Draco and Narcissa. I wandered around all the little shops looking at the discounted Christmas items and usual merchandise sold.

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