Home to Hogwarts

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The train ride felt exceptionally long as I daydreamed about Narcissa. Draco and the others were gossiping happily as I stared out the window watching the mountains fly by, taking me further and further away from her.

We finally arrived at the school, grabbing our luggage and heading for the carriages. It would be a few minuets until we actually left and so I threw my stuff in the back of one and walked up to the front, petting the thestrals patiently waiting for us to get in.

I had been able to see the creatures for as long as I could remember. I knew only those who had witnessed death were supposed to be able to see them, however, I didn't actually remember what I had seen to grant me this ability. I had never really thought much of it but it was rather curious.

We all boarded the large carriages and slowly made our way up to the castle, the sound of crunching snow echoing all around. The welcoming feast wouldn't be for another few hours, giving the teachers time to help the first years remember where everything was, and the rest of us time to unpack.

I followed the rest of the Slytherin students down to the dungeons and up to the dorm room I had come to call home for the past seven years. 'Only a few short months before I would never have to see it again.' I thought as I threw my bag on my bed. The trunks had been sent down magically and were already set up in front of our respected beds.

I sat down with a sigh and waited on my friends to show up. Pansy waltzed in first, strutting confidently over to her bed and collapsing with a dramatic sigh. "I am so not ready to deal with this shit again." She mumbled, annoyed. Carol and Sasha came in soon after and the gang was all here. We sat and caught up while waiting on the feast to begin.

I learned that Carol had spent the holidays in Brazil with her extended family, Sasha had spent Christmas with her boyfriend and shared far more than I really needed to know, and while Pansy had stayed home she had one of her friends stay over for the majority of the break.

When it came my turn to share I had no idea what to say. 'Yeah guys so I stayed with Draco and fell in love with his mother. She carved her initials into my leg before fucking me into oblivion.' Yeah no. "Uh I stayed with Malfoy over the holidays. He's been trying to get me to visit the manor for some time now." I tried to be as vague as possible.

"And you didn't get eaten by the dungeon monster?" Sasha said sarcastically. I laughed, "no but ferret face did let me fall in the lake." Pansy shot up. "I think the fuck not. Where is that asshole. I'm gonna turn him into a fish and throw HIM in that lake." I couldn't help but burst out laughing as Pansy stalked off to find Draco. I knew he would kill me later but it was so worth it.

I was beginning to feel a bit better about being back here. I always loved Hogwarts, maybe not the studying part but my friends made it all worth it.

The time passed quickly and soon we were sitting in the Great Hall, listening to the headmaster's beginning of term speech, and ferret face still wasn't anywhere to be found. We were just starting to load our plates when he walked in and sat down beside me, bearing bright pink hair and a scowl. "Why did you tell Pansy I let you fall in the lake?" He glared at me.

"Because I knew she'd do that." I sniggered as did most of the Slytherin table. He was fuming and began angrily stuffing his face. Pansy grinned triumphantly as he death glared at her. 'This is going to be a fun semester.'

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The first week passed quickly, everyone settling back into their routine. It was now Saturday and I headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Draco had already eaten and left it appeared, but an owl was sitting in his place waiting for me. She had a letter attached to her leg and I recognized that calligraphy handwriting anywhere.

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