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The weekend was quiet, Draco and I taking turns spending time with Narcissa and helping her with anything she may need. Basic needs were hard for her to accomplish alone due to the after affects of the cruciatus curse. Madam Pomfrey's potions were helping her body to heal, but it would take some time and they could do nothing for the mental scars she would retain.

It was currently Sunday afternoon, Draco and I sprawled across the neighboring bed catching up on Friday's missed assignments.

"What'd you get for number 3 on Snape's homework?" I questioned, spinning my quill in my fingers as I stared down at the parchment trying to will the answer onto the page.

"Gillyweed. What about number 47 on charms?"
I looked for the parchment I had thrown aside once I had finished.

"Confungus charm." With each other's help it didn't take long to finish up and Draco took both of our stacks of parchment rolls to return to each teacher.

I sighed as I packed my bag up and took my preferred spot next to Cissy on her bed. I curled myself into her side as she reflexively wrapped an arm around my shoulders and began mindlessly rubbing my arm. I felt a soft kiss on my forehead and felt her sigh contentedly as we laid together in silence for a bit.

"I don't wanna go back to class tomorrow." I grumbled into her neck.

"I know love. Only about two more months and you'll be done though. Then we can go wherever, whenever we want." She hugged me closer to her body as I imagined the endless possibilities.

The closer and closer we got to the end of school the more I thought about my parents however. As far as I knew they didn't even know I was gay, let alone dating an older woman. Would they disown me? Hate me for the rest of their lives? I genuinely had no clue what their reactions would be and I didn't think I would ever truly be ready.

"At some point I'm going to have to go home." I didn't know how to bring up this conversation but we needed to have it at some point.

"Yes, and?" She questioned me.

"They.. don't know.." I trailed off, trying to find the right words.

"About me. About us. Correct?" I didn't have to say another word, just buried my face in her neck as she sighed and rubbed my back to soothe my worries.

"It will be alright my sweet. Whatever happens, happens and we'll do it together." I relaxed into my girlfriend's embrace, knowing that was true. If my parents didn't approve that was their problem, and they did not have the right to be a part of my life if they weren't willing to accept me for who I was.

"I love you Cissy."

"I love you more y/n."

/ / / /

The next morning my routine returned to normal for the most part. Class in the morning, lunch with Narcissa, class in the afternoon. I was so ready to be free of school and start my own life. I still had no clue where I would end up, but I did know one thing.. she would be by my side and that's all that truly mattered.

Draco and I hung out with her in the hospital wing after dinner until curfew forced us to return to our dorms, and that's pretty much how the next week went by. Narcissa was healing little by little each day and by Friday morning she was more or less back to her old self, bickering with the medi witch about returning to her own room that night.

"I'm perfectly capable of returning to my quarters Poppy. I have been here for a solid week now and am feeling much better." She sounded exasperated at the old matriarch's stubbornness.

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