A Weekend Away Part 2

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Sunday was a much more laid back day. Draco and I would be returning to school this afternoon and so we were more or less just killing time and savoring each other's company before returning to Hell.

Ferret face was currently owling Blaise about some drama we had missed while being at the manor this weekend and I was keeping Narcissa company in the kitchen. The elves were bustling about around us, preparing lunch while we chatted at the table.

"This weekend thing really just isn't enough time. I'll be glad when you're back here everyday y/n." She gave me a sad look that I reciprocated. "So Will I Cissy. So will I." I sighed and placed my hands over hers on top of the table and played with her rings.

"I see you still wear the one I gave you. Good." She gave me a little half smile as she tried to catch my eye. "Of course I do. Everyday." I only took it off if there was a chance it would get damaged. I knew it comforted her to know that I was safe just as much as it comforted me.

We decided to take a short walk around the garden to get out of the elves' way and went our separate ways to get ready to face the cold January air. I grabbed my heavy winter cloak and met her back at the front door, ready for our little outing.

As soon as we got outside she interlaced her fingers with my own and we began walking towards the path leading to the back garden.

"Have you thought about what you're going to do after school y/n?" I thought about that for a moment, scrunching up my face in thought.

"To be completely honest not really. I've considered a few different paths but nothing seems right. I don't want to make the wrong decision and regret it for the rest of my life you know?" I looked down at the ground, not very comfortable with this topic as I was expected to already have my entire life mapped out by now.

"That's perfectly alright dear. You're young, you'll figure out your way in life. I have no doubt about that."

We walked in silence for a bit, each contemplating our own choices in this lifetime. Choices that lead us to this point.

I finally broke the silence hanging over us by asking, "are you feeling any better today?" I glanced up at Narcissa to see her pulling herself out of her own thoughts before replying.

"Yes. Much. It's just the first day that always gets me." I smiled and rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb. "Same here. But it does make other things feel particularly good."

I chuckled but she looked a bit confused. "You've never done it while on your period have you?" She shook her head no, looking a bit bewildered that that was a thing people did. "Oh you're missing out big time."

"Isn't it.. messy?" I figured she would be a bit hesitant if she had never done this sort of thing before, but I hoped she would let me show her how truly amazing the experience was.

"Yeah. It can be. But it's just blood. Just put a towel down and you're good to go. Or I don't even usually do that anymore since I can do magic outside of school."

She was beginning to look more intrigued than disgusted and I subtly began walking back towards the manor.

"I assumed it would hurt too much. And obviously Lucius would have never consented to it. He would rather pleasure himself while I was bleeding."

"Well he just wasn't kinky enough." I smirked at her as she chuckled and shook her head.

We made our way upstairs and decided to do it in the shower to avoid having to clean up and it made Narcissa a bit more comfortable with the whole thing.

I stepped under the warm water and sighed as the tension immediately melted out of my body. I always loved the feeling of hot water running down my spine.

Narcissa followed closely behind me, wetting down her hair and body before turning to look at me with lust filled eyes.


I stepped towards her with a loving smile and placed my hands on her hips, pulling her in for a kiss. My hands roamed over her sides and back as the kiss became more passionate. One of her hands found its way into my wet hair and entangled itself there while the other gripped a handful of my ass.

I pressed my body up against her own and pushed her into the shower wall, supporting her on the slick floor.

I started working on her neck, finding her sweet spot and honing in on it. "Mm right there." Her small moans only encouraged me further and I let one hand wander down between her legs.

One finger trailed across her slit and her legs parted to allow me entrance. "Ah fuck. It's so sensitive."

"That's the point love." I began rubbing gentle circles on her clit, warming her up a bit before really diving in. I kneaded one breast with my free hand and I couldn't help the occasional throb in my own lower half as she gripped my ass tighter every time I found the right spot.

The hand previously wrapped in my hair found its way between my legs, rubbing fast circles as she quickly got lost in the pleasure of both giving and receiving.

She was beginning to whimper and her eyes were rolling back in her head. I knew she was getting close and this would be an intense orgasm.

I could feel my own climax building and couldn't help moaning in her mouth as my body shuddered. I began grinding my hips against her hand to work it out faster, my breathing becoming erratic.

Without warning she released, the intensity of her orgasm making her legs give out and I had to press my body against hers to keep her upright. It lasted longer than any of the others I had given her and between her cum face and the fact that she was still pleasuring me sent me over the edge as well.

My legs shook as I came down from my high and stepped back once I was sure she could stand on her own.

"Fuck y/n. You were right that was incredible. I just wish I could have lasted longer." She was still panting and looked exhausted but less horny.

"I'm always right." I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes, leaning her head back underneath the warm water.

We finished showering and I went back to my room to pack my trunk and get ready to head back to school soon.

I trudged downstairs and found Draco and Narcissa sitting in the living room waiting on time to leave.

"Well, I do hope the two of you enjoyed your weekend back. Please, come back soon." I could hear the longing in her voice and gave Draco a small side glance. He hated leaving her here alone just as much as I did but what could we do. Only a few more months and we would be free.

"We'll be back as soon as possible mum. I promise." The three of us shared a sad look, none of us wanting to be the one to end the weekend.

Finally we had no other choice, we had to be back on Hogwarts grounds before 5pm. Narcissa apparated all three of us just outside the gates and walked with us up to the headmaster's office to show that we were present.

"You two be good. Study, work hard, and don't hesitate to owl me if you need anything. And I mean anything." She gave each of us a hug, ours lingering a moment longer than it should, before flooing back to the manor from Dumbledore's office.

Draco and I returned to the Slytherin common room to get ready for the new week, both unhappy about being back here so soon. 'We'll be together again soon Cissy.'

I apologize this is short and not that great, not to mention almost a week late, I've been super unmotivated to do anything lately. But, there is some drama coming and the rings will play a part in the story soon.

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