Does She Like Me?

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The next morning I woke up bright and early for our shopping spree. I took a quick shower and threw on something comfortable before grabbing my winter cloak and heading downstairs. I met Draco and Narcissa in the kitchen as per usual for a quick breakfast before we left.

After my little sob story yesterday not much else happened. I watched a couple of movies with Draco in his room while he wasn't feeling well, and just hung out with him for the remainder of the day. Now, it was time to stop procrastinating finding Christmas gifts for everyone. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve and I had to get everything sent out so it would arrive on time.

The three of us finished up rather quickly and got ready to leave, meeting back up in front of the floo. Draco went first, then me, and Narcissa followed closely behind us. We all merged into the crowd, which was particularly thick today, and went our separate ways agreeing to meet up at a little hole in the wall place for lunch.

I started off at the bookstore, picking up the two astrology books Draco had been pestering me about. Then it was off to the jewelry store for Pansy. She had a thing for enchanted chokers right now, and I happened upon one that had a skull that would change to a deep red color is danger was nearby. Considering she's pretty much always in danger of doing something stupid I thought that was appropriate.

I continued wandering around Diagon Alley perusing the various stores and finding gifts for all my friends. Finally, there was but one person left. Narcissa. 'What on Earth am I going to get her? I barely know her' I thought as I continued looking around as I walked.

I happened to walk by a little shop I had never noticed before. It was tiny and in the back corner of Diagon Alley where no one really ventured. I decided to check it out and walked inside. As soon as the little bell over the door announced my presence, the shopkeeper popped up from behind the counter. She couldn't have been more than 4' tall and her toothy grin was as big as she was.

"Hello there dear. Just let me know if I can help you with anything." She gave me a warm, grandmotherly smile and I nodded my head at her in thanks.

As I walked around the shop it was actually quite interesting. There was a little bit of everything from spell books to potion ingredients to what looked like handmade cloaks. I ran my hand over one of the cloaks and it was some of the softest material I had ever felt. 'Definitely coming back for one of these'.

I continued searching the store as the old woman hummed to herself at the counter, cleaning a few stray items off of her workspace. I soon found the writing section and some of the most beautiful quills I had ever seen. 'Seriously why is this shop not more popular.' I couldn't understand why no one was talking about this place at school. I picked up one of the quills that was enchanted to always have ink inside of it. It was a black raven feather with fancy metal spiraling up the part of the quill that you hold. It contained Arabian ink, the most expensive and rare kind there is. This was what I was going to get Narcissa.

I took it up to counter and handed it to the old woman. "Ahh you have a good eye dear. This one took me many months to get just right." She began wrapping it up for me so that it wouldn't get damaged.

"You made these yourself?" I asked in awe. "Oh yes. Everything in here I either made or brought back from my travels. I haven't been in the UK but a few weeks as I've spent most of my life traveling the world." She gave me a proud look. "That's incredible! Your work is amazing Mrs..." I gave her a questioning look. "Barnaby. Gretel Barnaby."

"It was very nice to meet you Mrs. Barnaby. And I will certainly be back." I gave the old woman a genuine smile and took my parcel, heading out the door. It was nearing lunchtime so I made my way towards the restaurant I was supposed to be meeting Draco and Narcissa at.

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