A Mental Health Day

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I woke up sweating and with a raw throat like I had been screaming. I was still processing everything when Narcissa burst into the room and ran over to me, wrapping me in a hug.

I was still panting and trying to come back to reality and could feel myself shaking in her embrace. "Shh love. I've got you. You're safe." I could barely make out what she was saying through my panic but the warmth of her hug soon calmed me.

I leaned into the touch and rested my head on her chest, closing my eyes and waiting on the shaking to subside. Finally I hesitantly pulled away from her and sat with my back up against the headboard of the bed.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, closing my eyes again. "Shh none of that my dear. What was your nightmare about?" Narcissa situated herself beside me, wrapping an arm around me and once again pulling me close to her.

"What happened yesterday. Except I didn't catch myself. I went underwater and couldn't get back to the surface. I woke up just as I opened my mouth to breathe in." I could still feel that instant of ice cold water burning my lungs as I began to drown.

I swallowed nervously and began to shake again, scooting closer to the woman at my side. 'That definitely didn't help my fear of water.' I thought to myself as I got comfortable again.

"Can you stay with me tonight?" I looked up at her through slightly teary eyes in hopes that she would take pity on me. "Of course sweetheart come here." She laid down beside me and allowed me to rest my head on her chest with her arm wrapped securely around me. I laid one arm over her stomach and soon drifted off to sleep.

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I  woke up to someone shaking me and sat bolt upright, startled. "You're alright it's just me dear." I looked over at Narcissa wide eyed. "It's getting late we need to get up. Draco will be looking for us." She smoothed my disheveled hair and smiled warmly at me.

I nodded still somewhat asleep and rubbed my tired eyes. The nightmares were starting to get to me and I was feeling more and more drained throughout the day. Not to mention the fact that yesterday I had experienced one of my worst fears.

I slowly got out of bed testing my legs. I was still a bit shaky after everything that happened but was doing better. Narcissa was watching me from the doorway, making sure I was alright before she left. "I'll see you in a bit my dear." She said before walking out the door to go back to her own room.

I washed the sleep from my face and took a good long look at myself in the mirror. There were dark circles under my eyes and my cheeks were looking more hollow than normal. 'Why is this affecting me now of all times?' I sighed and ran my hands over my face before continuing to get ready.

I really wasn't feeling the best mentally today and just wanted to go back to bed and cuddle with Narcissa. I made my way downstairs to find the other two sat at the kitchen table. I silently took my place and picked at my food while they kept up a conversation.

I was completely zoned out and didn't realize that Draco had left and I was alone with his mother. "Sweetheart are you sure you're alright? You don't look like you feel very good." The concern in her eyes made me want to cry. "Yeah I'm fine. Just still a bit tired." I had always lied about my true feelings and at this point it was simply a reflex. I didn't know how to tell her what I was feeling even if I wanted to.

She didn't look convinced but didn't press me either. I excused myself and returned to my room, shutting the door and sliding my back down it so that I was sitting on the floor. I wrapped my arms around my knees and laid my head down and just sat there for a bit, thinking.

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