Date Night

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The next morning was quiet when I awoke. The usually warm presence nestled into my back or chest missing and the bed felt lonely. It was early, maybe 7:30, and a Sunday, so I had no clue where she could have gone.

I sighed and relaxed back into the warm blankets, still spent after my breakdown yesterday and in need of sleep but I couldn't. Not without her beside me. I didn't feel safe enough to sleep without her by my side and I just laid there, mind wandering as I tried to work up the effort actually get out of bed.

As I slowly began to drift off into a light sleep, the sound of a door opening startled me back awake. I glanced over to see Narcissa with a warm smile on her face and holding a tray of breakfast foods. I finally sat up and gave her a confused look as she retook her spot in our bed, placing a charm on the tray to hover in between us.

"It seems, my love, that you need a little reminder of just how much I love you. So, we're going to spend the day together and tonight I have a little surprise for you." That peaked my curiosity as I glanced down at the breakfast in bed.

There were waffles and fruit, a few different bottles of syrup to choose from, eggs and bacon on another small plate, and of course coffee.

"You didn't have to do all of this." But I did greatly appreciate it. It was a small gesture that meant so much.

"I know, but you deserve it." We split the food and talked about everything and nothing, laughing at each other's stories as I forgot about my mental battles for the moment.

After breakfast we ventured into the bathroom for a shower, the warm water searing my skin in such a calming way. After helping each other wash, we just stood under the spray letting the steam fog up the shower doors.

I had my head on Narcissa's chest as she tried to run her fingers through my wet hair and kept the other hand wrapped around my body. I allowed myself to lean on her and let her take the weight of my worries as she stood firm, there with me through it all.

When we finally made it out into the rest of our chambers, now with wet hair but fully clothed, we decided to take a little walk down to the school's library and read for a bit. During class time that was apparently where Narcissa liked to spend her hours, lost in the pages of their endless books.

I found a spot in the back, close to the restricted section where students didn't really venture. We both curled up on one of the window seats with our book of choice and lost ourselves in the fantasy worlds being painted in our mind's eye.

Before I knew it, I was being pulled out of my head and back to reality by the bustling of students on their way to The Great Hall for lunch. I sighed and glanced at the clock on the wall out of habit before catching Cissy's eye and motioning towards the time.

"I didn't realize we had been here this long. It's so easy to get lost in these perfect little worlds. If only we could be a part of one of those romance stories hm?" She had a dreamy look on her face as we began to walk back down to the dungeons.

"I think we are actually. There's been forbidden love, an antagonist trying to break us up, a battle for our love, and now all we have left is the happily ever after my sweet." I interlocked our fingers as said that, surprised by my own words. I had never really thought of my life as a fairy tale, but it had honestly seemed to become one the last few months. The good and the bad side of them.

"I don't know if I believe in happy ever after, but i'm at least looking forward to the future now that I have you y/n. With Lucius it was a struggle just to get through the days, waiting on the day I died. But now, now I have something to live for."

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in to my side, her doing the same as we walked as close together as possible down the dark, dreary halls of the school.

Friends by Chance Lovers by Choice जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें