I Will Always Love You

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Time Skip to the end of April

"I swear to fuck if I have to memorize one more useless potion I am going to commit the unalive."

Final exams, and for the seventh years N.E.W.T.S, were coming up next week and all of us were swamped with study sheets and practice tests. Draco, Chloe, Pansy, and I were sprawled out across the living area of Narcissa and I's chambers in order to get a bit of privacy and quiet.

The entire school was packed with students trying to find a spot to themselves to avoid distraction and so Draco and I were quite thankful for the extra room. Chloe had become a rather prominent figure in Draco's life and I refused to be alone with the irritatingly lovey couple hence why Pansy was with us.

The living area was completely covered with rolls and loose sheets of parchment paper, books strewn about on tables, couches, and floor that wasn't occupied by paper or ink pots. Narcissa had buggered off to the bedroom while we occupied the floor in front of the fireplace, not wanting to listen to our teenage drama.

"Count me in babe" Pansy mumbled while scratching something onto her transfiguration assignment. We had been working nonstop since last Monday, and with it now being Saturday we were all quite over exam week.

Exams would take place Monday through Friday, for me it would be Transfiguration and Herbology on Monday, Potions and History of Magic on Tuesday, DADA and Muggle Studies on Wednesday, Astronomy and Divination on Thursday, Charms and Care of Magical Creatures on Friday. We also had the last quidditch game of the year on Friday night as well as graduation two weeks from today. Needless to say, the stress was packed on.

"Almost done. Then we have all summer to ourselves." Chloe leaned into Draco's side, cuddling up to him as he subconsciously draped an arm across her shoulders.

Draco had decided he would be staying with Chloe's family for at least the first part of the summer in France. Their relationship was beginning to get serious and he wanted to spend some time in her home country getting to know her parents and culture.

Chloe and Narcissa got along quite well, and she had wished Draco the best so long as he kept in touch with her consistently. She knew he was growing up even though deep down she didn't want her baby to leave her.

As for the two of us, once graduation had concluded we would return to Malfoy Manor before going to my parent's house to explain everything that has happened this year. We planned to get out of England all together once Narcissa had filed for divorce with Lucius and we knew what would become of the house itself.

Throughout everything that had happened Narcissa was still technically tied to the Malfoy family but soon enough she would be free to do as she pleased with me. Now I just had to worry about how my own parents would take this news. I truly hoped they would support us but I wouldn't know for sure until I came right out and told them.

"I can't wait for summer. We'll finally be free of this hellhole." Pansy had complained since day one of being at this school, and I knew she would complain right up until the day we left. However, I also knew this was her home, it was all of our home's, and it would be weird not returning to Hogwarts next September.

"So what are we all thinking career wise?" Chloe, the typical Ravenclaw, had her entire life mapped out by second year whereas the rest of us were just trying to survive our teenage years.

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