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I was feeling much better Thursday morning but still very weak and tired, mostly from lack of food yesterday. I awoke to find Narcissa gone, much to my dismay, and a little note on my bedside table.

'Gone to talk to Dumbledore. Be back soon.'
- Narcissa

'Interesting. I wonder if they've heard something on Lucius.' I pondered what the headmaster could have wanted to talk to her about, or vice versa, as I changed into a new t-shirt and sweats. My fever may have broken yesterday afternoon but I had still sweated quite a bit last night and it was chilly this morning.

I made my way into the sitting room and got comfortable in front of the roaring fire to wait on my lover to return. I summoned a house elf to bring me coffee, not feeling like making it myself this morning, and had just dismissed the small creature when in walked a messy haired ferret face in nothing but a t-shirt and purple boxers.

"Cute undies Malfoy." I said as I sipped the warm liquid. He fake laughed at my comment and gave me a look that nearly made me spit coffee all over the table in front of me.

"Where's Mum?" He questioned, sitting down beside me as another coffee cup appeared on the table.

"Dumbledore's office for some reason. She was gone when I woke up. There was a note beside the bed."

"I wonder if they've found my father yet."

"I don't know. Maybe. I'm sure she'll let us know when she returns."

We sat in silence for a bit, each in our own headspace thinking about all the different possibilities for why the two could be having such an important conversation so early in the morning.

I eventually opted for a quick breakfast, Draco following  me into the kitchen. We decided on instant oatmeal we found in one of the cabinets and added some fruit to the side to each of our likings.

It was a nice, warm, quick meal while we sat and talked about nothing, just trying to keep our minds off of the something happening in Dumbledore's office.

"So, you've been spending a lot of time out of these chambers. Make a friend?" I lightly teased him, making him chuckle.

"I started talking to a seventh year Ravenclaw girl actually. We're both stuck here over Christmas and decided to hang out. She's cool. I don't know if I like her yet, but we're trying it" He never looked up at me as he said that.. nervous perhaps? I'd never really seen ferret face nervous about a girl before.

"She must be quite special to make you blush like that." I motioned towards his tomato colored face with my spoon as he tried to shake off the feelings causing it.

"Anyways, my love life aside, I assume you're feeling better after yesterday? You better not have given me whatever disease you had." I just rolled my eyes.

"Yes I'm feeling better but I most definitely still feel contagious. Fuck with me and I'll spit in your food or cough on you."

We bickered back and forth until the sound of the large, wooden door swinging open caught both of our attention. Narcissa was back.

She found us in the kitchen and took her usual spot next to me, hesitant to speak.

"Well, I have.. news." Draco and I exchanged a worried glance.

"The aurors have lost sight of Lucius altogether. He's just vanished. They had been following a small trail that he left behind as he moved from place to place but now.. he's just gone." She paused to glance up at us.

"The headmaster has assured me that we are safe here no matter what. The wards will not allow him to enter school grounds, however, we need to be wary."

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