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The day I had been dreading for months had finally arrived. Everyone else was ecstatic to be returning home for the summer and enjoy their break from the endless piles of homework and tests. However, it was different for me.

I had agreed to ride the train one last time with my friends and would meet Narcissa at the platform, apparating to the  Manor and then my childhood home to explain all that had happened in these few short months to my parents.

I continued packing my things in the bedroom while Narcissa was grabbing her things from the living area and kitchen. As much as I hated it I could feel tears burning the backs of my eyes and the salty liquid soon began streaming down my face as I continued to pack, ignoring my overwhelming emotions as best I could.

I choked on my tears, breath hitching as I tried to keep quiet and not draw any attention to myself. However, as usual, it was futile. I was still throwing clothing into my trunk, unable to see properly through the water streaming from my eyes when a pair of arms encircled my waist and pulled me into a familiar chest.

I turned my body around to face hers and let my head fall into her chest as my quiet tears turned into full blown sobs, my body quivering as my girlfriend held me through my breakdown.

She whispered sweet nothings into my ear to soothe me, rubbing my shaking back and moving the hair sticking to my wet face as I desperately held onto her for support.

"Shh my darling. It's all going to be alright. No need to cry honey love."

Once my sobs had turned into sniffles, and I had thoroughly wet the front of Narcissa's blouse with my snot and tears, I pulled back and rubbed my sore eyes with the heels of my palms.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry." I whispered breathily, throat still thick with tears as I backed away from my lover. It was pathetic that I was crying over this but I did not to want to lose my parents over something as trivial as my sexual preferences.

"Hey, hey darling. Relax. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for. I know this is a lot to bare, especially all at once, but we will get through this. You aren't saying goodbye to your friends forever, and you shouldn't worry so much about your parents. I will be by your side through thick and thin, till death do us part my love."

While speaking she had crept forwards, arms open in front of her, and embracing me once again when she got close enough. My arms were wrapped securely around my stomach but I allowed my body to melt into hers and the warmth comfort me.

She held me for as long as I needed, occasionally placing soft kisses in my hair or whispering hushed reassurances if I began to sniffle. Eventually I was able to pull away for real, instantly missing the safety my girlfriend's hugs provided.

"I'm alright. I know we'll be alright. I just.. want to get this over with." I sighed and finally pulled my gaze from the floor to meet the other witch's concern filled eyes. It was so easy to feel alright when I stared into her chocolate brown eyes, full of love and sympathy. She was the only person who had ever truly cared about my thoughts and feelings. My friends cared, but not like her. I knew I could tell Narcissa anything without fear of judgment, and that had never happened to me before.

"I know you do darling. So do I. I'm ready to be out of here for good and live our dreams.. together." She rubbed my upper arms and offered me a small smile, one which I finally returned.


"Last time best time you guys." Pansy threw her arms around Blaise and I's shoulders as we all walked towards the train with the rest of the Hogwarts students.

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