We All Have Off Days

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I woke up cuddled in my lover's embrace for the first time in quite some time and it made me so incredibly happy. My head was nestled into the crook of her neck, our still naked bodies pressed together as one. I had one leg draped in between hers and my body was basically on top of Narcissa's, her soft rhythmic breathing nearly lulling me back to sleep. It was Saturday so neither of us had anywhere to be, and I intended to make the most of our time together this morning.

I softly kissed her neck, sliding one finger down her side, ever so slightly feeling her ribs through the skin near her perfect breasts. I suddenly felt a hand run through my hair and jumped, not realizing she was awake. I made a little noise in my throat, indicating how sleepy I still was and not wanting to move. I buried my head into her neck again hoping she wouldn't try and move me.

I felt Narcissa chuckle underneath me as she continued playing with my hair, scratching my scalp and detangling the individual strands as her fingers pulled at the knots near the bottom. I squeezed my lover tighter and sighed contentedly, still unbelieving that this gorgeous woman was all mine. I had only known her for three months and yet I fully intended on spending the rest of my life with her.

"Hmm what are we going to do today my darling?" She purred into my ear, voice still a bit husky after just waking up.

"I don't know and I don't particularly care. I'm happy right here." I muttered into her neck, scooting myself even closer to her, practically trying to melt my body into hers.

"We have to get up sometime." She was obviously not that serious as she made no move to actually get up, rather positioning her arm more tightly around my shoulders.

"Do we though? I mean it's not like we have priorities today." I could have just lain in bed with her like this all day and been perfectly happy.

"No but I would like to go into Hogsmeade and pick up a few things now that I have a bit more freedom. You're welcome to tag along if you can get out of quidditch practice this afternoon." I groaned, forgetting all about that. I had gotten out of the game yesterday by taking care of Narcissa, however the team would not be pleased with me if I missed another day.

"I'll work it out." I'd ditch if nothing else. What were they gonna do? I had two months left at this school, not like they'd kick me off the team this late in the year.

I finally pulled myself into an upright position, running a hand through greasy hair as I willed myself to get up and shower. Narcissa was the first to rise, and I watched her hips swing as she lazily sauntered towards the bathroom, running her hand through her own tangled hair.

Once I heard the water start to run I walked in after her, shutting the door and stepping straight into the scalding liquid. My back arched automatically as the hot water seared my skin but I soon relaxed into it, allowing the warmth to soothe my tired muscles. Narcissa turned her back to me and I reached up to shampoo her hair, gently scratching at her scalp to get any loose hair and dirt out as she purred at the touch.

Once her hair was free of shampoo, and the conditioner was setting, I slathered my hands in body wash and stepped closer to my lover, pressing my chest against her back as I allowed my hands to lazily wander around her body, spreading the soap across her incredibly soft skin. I started on her stomach around her hips, making my way down her thighs and back up to both suds and grope her breasts. She moaned deep in her throat at that simple action and I placed a kiss in the crook of her neck.

I moved my hands around to her back, massaging her shoulders as she let her head fall back onto my shoulder. Once she was clean we switched places, her soaping up my hair and body as I had with hers, including the boob grip. Although she did get a bit more handsy than I had once she got down to my ass. I felt her squeeze rather tightly before taking one finger and running it across my slit and dragging it back up my body before placing a kiss on my cheek.

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