Sick Day

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A/N: For all my fellow emetophobes, there is no mention of vomiting. Y/n essentially just has a bad cold and this is based off of what I dealt with a little over a week ago.

I woke up feeling a bit off on Wednesday morning. Really I had been feeling off since sometime last night. I had woken up in the middle of the night with an incredibly scratchy, sore throat but eventually drifted off back to sleep forgetting all about it.

It was now 8am and I knew something was definitely wrong with me. My head was throbbing and I was shivering despite being under a mountain of blankets and sweating through my thin pajamas. I could feel my sinuses being blocked up and knew they would start draining soon, giving me coughing fits and most likely an earache.

'Well isn't this just bloody fucking wonderful'. I thought to myself as I looked down at the sleeping woman beside me. She had her head on my chest as per usual and her body contorted to fit around mine. As much as I loved our togetherness, it was much too warm for my liking right now.

I slowly slithered out from underneath her, letting her head fall gently against the pillow as I stood up on shaky legs. It felt like a boulder was sitting on my head trying to push me back down into bed. I found my way into the bathroom and to the medicine cabinet, grabbing a muggle thermometer to see just how bad the damage was.

101.5 it read. My body temperature typically sat between 98.0 and 99.0 so I definitely had a small fever. It wasn't bad, and I wasn't visibly sick, so I decided to try and not let the others know of my predicament. I didn't want to ruin their fun by being sick.

I honestly didn't even feel that bad. The headache and the chills were the only things that would give me a problem, not to mention how bloody tired and heavy my body felt. 'Oh well. What can you do?'

I decided it would be best to stay away from Narcissa and Draco as much as possible to avoid spreading whatever disease I was currently harboring and so I sluggishly walked into the living area to sit down on the sofa rather than going back to bed with my lover. When I finally made it and allowed my legs to give out underneath me, it felt like 1,000 pounds had been lifted off my body.

I summoned a blanket and curled up in front of the fireplace, not having the energy to do anything else at the moment. I was drifting in and out of consciousness as I watched the flames dance and listened to the soothing crackling sounds the fireplace emitted when I felt the sofa shift beside me. I looked over to see Narcissa's worried face peering at me, confused as to why I wasn't in bed.

"Are you alright my love? Why are you in here and not in bed?" She tried to move a strand of my hair out of my face but I subtly moved away from her touch, not wanting her to feel my fever.

"I'm fine Cissy. Just woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep. I sat down in here and started drifting off again I suppose." I was quite good at hiding my problems thanks to years of keeping them locked up inside of me, and easily changed my face so as to look completely normal. I didn't even know why I was lying to her, I had just kept my struggles to myself for so long in order to avoid judgment and rejection that it had become an automatic reaction. Even telling her something as simple as 'I don't feel well' simply wouldn't come out.

"Well, if you're sure. Breakfast?" The thought of food sparked panic in me. I wasn't nauseous in the slightest, however, I still didn't trust anything entering my body. Not to mention the pain in my throat made it hard to swallow saliva, food would just be absolutely unbearable at the moment.

"Maybe later. I'm not particularly hungry this morning." I could tell she knew something was up after I said that. I always ate breakfast with her. Nonetheless, she didn't push and just left to go and make tea for herself and Draco.

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