How You Wake Up {Preference}

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Written by: crestoothpaste

Jim: he always leaves for work early in the morning, long before you wake up to go do your own job. Even though he's gone so early, he likes to write short little notes and leave them on the counter for you to read once you're awake. If he can, he'll make a nice breakfast for you and keep it in the fridge until you wake up. When he's got the day off (very rare), he sleeps in and you're the one to wake up and make him breakfast - sometimes it goes the other way around, just not as often.

Bruce: you two don't live in the same house, so he's not exactly there to wake you up or vice versa.

Jerome: he's sweet about waking you up, while you trying to wake him... he hates it. He'll kiss along your neck and snake his arms around you, and once you're awake he cups your face in his hands and kisses your lips. You, on the other hand, wake him up in creative ways. Sometimes you'll beat him up with pillows, other days you'll jump on top of him. Hell, you even wake him up by biting him! He hates it all, gets frustrated, but forgets about it after some... morning fun.

Victor: he usually wakes up very early to leave for his duties and refuses to wake you, or he's gone all night and returns in the evening. Whenever he is actually able to see you in the morning (if Falcone/Oswald hasn't put him to work) he'll take a moment to admire your beauty, then gently nudge you awake and kiss your forehead with a mumbled "Morning" or "Morning, Y/N/N".

Oswald: when he isn't working, he'll wake you up with a nice meal, not too fancy but not sloppy. He likes to make you things with fruits on the side or sometimes those fruits are replaced with a drink (of your choice). He'll hug and kiss you and sit down with you to eat breakfast together. When you wake him up, you'll do something similar. It started with Oswald doing so for you and his mother occasionally, but then became a thing for the two of you to do depending on who wakes up first. It's very sweet.

Edward: he's adorable when he wakes you up, and he makes sure he's awake before you. He adores making you a lovely little breakfast and either wakes you up by saying "Hello, sleepyhead" (sometimes "Good morning, my love") or you wake up to the smell of delicious food and he is in the kitchen preparing breakfast. When this happens, he'll often turn around with a wide smile on his face, walk towards you, plant a kiss on your head, and say one of his signature lines, before going back to cooking.

Jeremiah: he doesn't usually wake you up, you always sleep in and he gets up early (and silently) to do his work. When he does wake you up, which is extremely rare, he'll quietly shake you awkake, whisper a "Good morning, dear" and kiss the top of your head before returning to his work. It's not much or done often, but it's the little things that count, right?

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