What Dating Them Would Include {Preference}

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Written by: @crestoothpaste

Jim: dating Jim can be like dating a brick wall, closed off and silent, but it has its perks.

- being able to say "fuck the police" and really meaning it

- great protection from any threat

- waking up alone because of his work

- late nights without him being home, sometimes unexpected

- being terrified of losing him because of his job

- few fights because he's almost never home, then you argue about him never being home

- hella good after-argument (make up) sex y'know ;)

- looooots of secrets for your protection

- stressful nights

- lots of coffee

- teasing from Harvey

- meeting many (scary) villains

- sometimes being kidnapped

- cut short dates

- learning how to defend yourself

- range shooting very frequently

Bruce: dating Bruce is like dating a teddy bear with a huge, obsessive, ego - but it too has its perks.

- (in Mr. Krabs voice) MONEY MONEY MONEY

- protection

- meeting several villains

- getting yelled at from your brothers for dating their enemy (in both their lifetimes)

- being jealous of Selina quite often

- weird looks from people due to who your family is

- arguments about his safety and attitude

- spending a lot of time in the manor

- being a target, especially of Ra's Al Ghul

- lots of formal attire

- going to balls, dances, and charity events

- more money. Even when you don't want it, he insists (when you need financial help)

- getting to know Alfred, Jim, and Harvey

- arguments about how he behaves with Selina

- being "kidnapped" by your brothers, scolded, and listening to them beg you to dump him or kill him

Jerome: with Jerome, you get all kinds of fun, intimacy, fighting, criminal activity, and craziness. Honestly, you have it all with him.

- so much scolding and begging to dump him from your father, Harvey, and your "Uncle" Jim

- lots of pranks, joking, and play fighting

- quite a bit of PDA, and just affection in general

- insane sex

- crime sprees, regardless of what your father would think (you're quite the rebel)

- fighting, and lots of it

- make up sex

- lots of cuddles

- his hands always being so cold

- free massages

- dirty talk

- sex anywhere and everywhere

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