{Jeremiah Valeska Imagine}

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Written by: the one and only, amazing, @Lindsay_Mania

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Written by: the one and only, amazing, @Lindsay_Mania

Contains: Explicit language. Starts slow, but picks up! LONG chapter for you all ;) 

Summary: Takes place during Season 5, you are a person trying to survive in the narrows and you run into Jeremiah. 

You let out soft grunts as you struggled to climb over the scattered debris of Gotham Central. It had been 3 days since you last had a decent meal. Other than that, you had been eating scraps, morsels, anything you could find. It sucked. 

Every since Gotham had been fucked over by that insane clown Jeremiah Valeska, any survivors left in the city have had to fend for themselves. And that included you.

You weren't a big fan of crimes and violence, but your life was at stake. So, you settled with the fact that you had to do what you could to survive. This included looting. However, you still had your morals. So, you only looted abandoned buildings. You had no intentions of stealing from anyone. No matter who they were. 

Your foot crushed the soft rubble beneath you. Dust kicked up from the ground and created clouds in the air. As your eyes peered past the dust, you began to observe your surroundings.

Looking around, you began to grow sad and nostalgic. Among the debris that was scattered in the building, you could still see the center of the train station. The reception desk and statue standing tall. You began to remember the times were you'd walk by this building and think nothing of it. And now, there really is nothing to it.

You let out a sigh and began to walk around, hoping to find something to eat, or at least something worth grabbing. 

After thinking about where to start, you decided to scope out the lockers on the other side of the building. Strange, that they had lockers in a train station, but you weren't complaining. 

With a few quick steps and a tug on the handle, you felt dismayed. Of course the lockers were locked. You groaned in annoyance, kicking one of the metal doors roughly. 

"Stupid ass locker.." You huffed. Rolling your eyes, you began to look around for something to pry open the lockers. A crowbar would be nice, though I doubt they had one here.

Thinking for a minute, you shrugged your backpack of your shoulders and placed it on the ground. In one swift motion, you grabbed hold of the zipper and opened the large compartment. Your hands dived in, searching for a tool that would be of great use to you. 

Within a few seconds, your hands emerged and had hold of a flashlight and a pocket knife.

"There you two are!" You smiled. 

It was getting dark, the sun was setting over the destroyed bridge and casted a thrilling red reflection on the ocean. You knew that a flashlight would become necessary, and perhaps you could jimmy the doors open with your pocket knife.

Zipping up your backpack and putting it back on your shoulders, you began to head back towards the lockers. 

"Alright, prepare to meet your make." You grinned. 

With a little struggle, you jammed your knife into the slit of the door and began to shimmy it. 

To your surprise, the door popped open and revealed its contents. It was nothing too exciting. Inside of the locker, there was 3 granola bars and a bottle of water, along with various shoes and clothes. 

"Hell yeah!" You shrieked. 

You lunged forward to grab the items, but froze dead in your place as you heard the sound of a gun click.

"Hello." A person said. 

You didn't move, scared as to what would happen if you did. 

"Turn around, I won't shoot you. Unless, you give me a reason to." The voice said, as if they read your mind. 

Slowly, you turned around to face the voice, your heart racing out of your chest. But, once you saw who it was, you were sure your heart stopped beating all together. 

It was Jeremiah Valeska. Your eyes grew wide and you backed up against the lockers.

"Why are you here?" He asked deadpanned. 

You were frozen in place. You couldn't speak or move. 

He stared at you, waiting for an answer. "Well?" He questioned. 

Still, you felt as if you couldn't move or speak. 

He growled in annoyance and walked towards you, putting his gun's safety on and back in his holster. Using his free hand, he grabbed your chin and lifted it up towards him. 

"Answer me. You're like a child."

Murmuring, you answered him as best as you could. "I'm just trying to survive.." 

His eyebrow lifted curiously, then fell back down. 

"Ah, yes. Survive. As I planned, Gotham has fallen, just like the Roman Empire. Magnificent."

You scowled at that comment, and stomped on his foot harshly. The heel dug into his shoe and he winced at the sudden pain.

"There is NOTHING magnificent about what you did. You harebrained, psychopathic, circus freak!" You practically had steam coming out of your ears.

Almost instantly, you knew that was a mistake.

However, Jeremiah was not the type to get violent so easily. He sucked his teeth, making a small squeaking sound, and straightened out his dark blue suit.

"Let me inform you about something, shall I?" He said.

Before you could answer, he continued, fixing his cufflinks.

"You, are a small, defenseless, fragile, young lady. I, am a big, tall, and strong man." He stated as he began to straighten out his tie.

"So, I think it would be best if you learned to watch your tongue." He scowled.

His eyes scanned over your body, making you shiver.

Without another word, he turned on his heels and walked out of your vision.

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