{Jerome Valeska Imagine}

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You walk toward the doors, pushing them open

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You walk toward the doors, pushing them open. You freeze in place when you see men raise guns at you, only for them to lower once they realize it is you.

"Y/N, where have you been?" Theo demands, staring at you expectantly.

You sigh. "Busy," you answer, then turn your attention to the Arkham inmates. "Ah, so I see you have also been busy," you comment with a smirk, glancing over at your older brother.

"Yes, indeed we have," Theo replies, his lips curving into a small grin. "I'm sure you and Barbara Kean will get along nicely," he comments, gesturing to the younger looking blonde tied up like the rest of the inmates.

You shrug. "Maybe," you say, "Depends." You glance at Barbara, before making your way over to the table next to your sister, Tabitha.

"Now, where were we?" Theo grins, looking the inmates up and down. "Oh, yes, Tabitha will take you out," he spoke to one of the inmates.

One of the men is cut out of the ties, and sighs in relief. "Ms. Kean is coming with me," he says sternly.

"Oh, she doesn't want to go where you're going." Theo chuckles as Tabitha cracks a whip around his throat, pulling him backwards onto his backside and pulling out a knife - she stabbed him in the chest numerous times.

You lift your chin slightly, smirking at your sisters handiwork as the other inmates laughed.

Tabitha looks at you with a similar smirk, nodding her head in satisfaction.


You make your way down the hall, alone. You finally got away from the others, and have time to yourself. As you are about to turn the corner you feel a hand on your shoulder, stopping in place and turning to see the familiar ginger who was eyeing you up the whole time Theo was speaking to them. "Ah, the creepy ginger," you mutter, shaking your head.

"Creepy? I'd like to think of myself as... Observant!" The ginger replies with a little laugh. Before you got the chance to walk away, he quickly pins you against the wall and bites his bottom lip. He moves a few strands of your H/C hair out of your face and behind your ear, staring you deeply in the eyes. "Do you remember me, gorgeous?" He asks, causing you to cock a brow in confusion.

"Am I supposed to know you?" You question, making an attempt to push him away from you only for him to grab your arms and pin them to the wall.

The ginger sighs, shaking his head in disappointment. "The circus, you always visited me when your parents brought you," he explains, still not ringing any bells in your head. "You and I were pretty close," he adds.

You try to think, as you know you are not coming out of his grasp. Then, it hits you. "Jerome?" You mumble, surprise to your tone as you speak. "How do you remember me?" You ask, shaking your head as he releases your arms from his grasp.

"You were the one person to make me feel something, I can't forget someone like you," Jerome explains simply. He looks down at you, such innocence in his eyes for someone so murderous. "Do you remember the promise?" He asks.

You have to think again for a few moments, knitting your brows together. You form a smile when the memory comes back, looking down at the floor, then back up at him. "Yes, yes I do," you answer.

Jerome's frown turns into a smile, and he grabs your face gently in his hands before pressing his lips to your own.

You hesitate before kissing back, in shock that he has just kissed you. Years back, you and Jerome were very close friends, but you were forced to leave with your siblings and had to say goodbye to Jerome... That same day, he promised you that he would find and come back to you - since then you had forgotten about it, but now you knew... And the man is standing right in front of you, the same ginger you grew up loving.

The two of you pull away for air, foreheads pressed together with wide smiles on your faces. "You've become so much more beautiful," he whispers, stroking your left cheek with his thumb.

Your smile grows, and you give a little giggle. "I never thought that this day would come," you admit.

Jerome stands up straight, still holding the smile on his face. "I made a promise, doll, and I don't break my promises with ones I love," he says simply.

You don't say anything, only smile and kiss him again. Now that you have your memories of him back, or at least some of them, you remember how much you had missed him in the years after you had to leave him. He had gone through with his promise, he found you...

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