Pranks {Requested Pref.}

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Jim: pranks with Jim are always the highlight of your day! Well, besides seeing him come home in one piece that is. The pranks are never harmful, just very playful. Jim usually doesn't retaliate, but when he does, you better run! He isn't that into pranks, but he enjoys when you do them, because he sees how much you enjoy it. Your happiness is his happiness, as cheesy as it is.

Things he'd say or do after being pranked:

- "A little weak compared to your last one, babe."

- "You're lucky I love you."

- "How much time did you spend on this...?"

- "Watch your back, Y/N."

- "I'm not even surprised anymore.."

- "How old are you?"

- Kiss your forehead

- Roll his eyes teasingly

- Continue with what he was doing as if nothing happened because he is so used to it

- Deadpan stare that ends in laughter

Bruce: you and Bruce both love pranks, however, he tends to be very gentle with them. He is always worried about hurting you. You think it's sweet, but you NEVER hold back. One time, you lubed his bathroom floor up with butter. Once you heard him walk in there, there was a slip, a thud, and a loud "Y/N!" which caused you to run away squealing. As strange as it was, it was sort of both of your love language.

Things he says or does after being pranked:

- "Clever!"

- "Good job y/n!"

- "Dang it, you really got me.."

- "You never cease to surprise me."

- Laughing fits

- Calling Alfred to prank him as well

- Chases you down playfully

- "Oh you better run y/n!"

Jerome: oh boy, yeah um Jerome is complicated. He finds pranks to be hilarious, I mean, it is Jerome we're talking about. However, he does not like it when you prank him. If you pranked anyone else, he would find it hilarious, but not when it's him. It is obvious Jerome is VERY much into DDLG and BDSM. He likes to treat you like a little kid and spoil you, so when you prank him, he scolds you, which embarrasses the hell out of you. He knows how much fun you have with the pranks, which he thinks is great, but he will not tolerate being pranked by his property.

Things he says and does after being pranked:

- "How many times have I told you Y/N?!"

- "Someone's looking for a beating aren't they?" (this makes you run for the hills, like, RUN BITCH RUN!)

- "Princess, really? You're being very disrespectful to daddy, don't you think?"

- "You have 3 seconds to apologize."

- "Strike 1"

- "God, you're such a brat."

- Spankings😬

- Rough kisses

- Gets hella irritated

- Punishments

- Makes you clean up the prank if it caused a mess while he watches

Victor: Lord have mercy, Victor may be a professional assassin, but he LOVES pranks! He also loves it when you do pranks too. He loves to see you giggle and smile. It warms is heart so much. He'll never admit it, but you're his greatest and only weakness. He'd give anything to see you happy.

Things he says or does after being pranked:

- "Holy shit, that was a good one!"

- "Step up your game weakling."

- "I am embarrassed. I'm gonna go find a tree to shoot." (he is very goofy with you)

- "I'm gonna get you back so good, you won't see it coming, and it'll be over before you know it."

- Laughing a lot

- Hugs you tightly

- Proud smile

- Sometimes he'll know about a prank before it happens, but goes along with it to make you happy

Oswald: Oswald is way too professional to take part in pranks. However, you do them a lot. Whether it is on Victor Zsasz, or the staff, but you never prank Ozzy. He takes enjoyment in watching you plot your pranks. He'll be sitting at his desk, doing paperwork, or mayoral stuff whatever it is, and you'll be sitting on the floor creating blueprints and notes. You never notice, but he always watches you plan them out. And he finds it to be the cutest thing ever.

Things he does or says while you plan pranks or sees someone get pranked:

- "Well done darling!"

- "Rather flamboyant, don't you think?"

- "Perhaps, try using glue?"

- Small smiles as he watches you

- Secretly takes pictures of you planning pranks, putting them in a scrapbook

- Sometimes he cleans up after the prank so you don't have to

- "My dear, you are so creative."

Edward: Edward finds pranks to be silly and insufferable, however he makes an exception when you do it. He'll come home from Oswald's manor, or wherever he was, and sees you plotting a prank at the table. His infatuation with you is intense, and your humor and intelligence makes him fall deeper for you. Sometimes, he'll look over your plan while you aren't looking, admiring your planning and handwriting. Whenever he is pranked by you, he gets rather dominant and intimidating, but he's still sweet about it.

Things he does or says while being pranked:

- "That's rather immature, shall I scold you like the child you are?"

- "Oh, y/n, you amuse me greatly."

- "That won't work, try using this instead."

- Smug smiling when your prank fails

- "Aw, is the poor y/n sad that her plan failed?"

- "Riddle me this. I am feared by some. Others learn from me. Avoiding me is impossible. What am I?" (sorry for the bad riddle i made it)

- "Correct, a mistake. And you just made several my dear."

- "Apologize, now."

- "Y/n, you confuse me greatly."

- Rolling his eyes and hugs you

- Small kisses

Jeremiah: Jeremiah hates pranks. He is too sophisticated, and he scolds himself for falling for someone who likes pranks. Which is you. You always try to pull pranks on Jeremiah, but they usually fail. However, when they don't fail, you're in trouble.

Things he does or says after being pranked:

- "Tell me, kitten, do you have a death wish?"

- "Immature."

- "Get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness, right now."

- Grabs your hair to look into his eyes as he scolds you

- Scoffing and growling out of irritation

- Punishments af

- Makes you clean the prank up

Requested by: DarkerLoveStory
Written by: Lindsay_Mania

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