Their Favorite Physical Feature About You {Preference}

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Jim: your eyes - he loves the way they light up at the sight of him, and it is the easiest way for him to tell your emotions

Bruce: your hair - he loves to annoy you by ruffling it up and running, and being able to brush and play with it (even if you have really short hair, he just loves it)

Jerome: your entire body - enough said, well, mostly your ass but y'know...

Victor: he doesn't have one - he finds you perfect just the way you are, every feature about you he just adores

Oswald: your hands - he loves to kiss them and hold them, he finds your hands so smooth and comforting

Edward: your smile - teeth or no teeth, he adores the smile you have, especially when you see him because it makes him realize that you are truly happy with him and have no fears of what he might end up doing as he does

Jeremiah: your hair - when the two of you are going to sleep, he will play with your hair to comfort himself and help you fall asleep, he finds it amusing for some reason too

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