Messy situation [chapter 9]

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Long chapter so better prepare yourself 👀✨
Small spoilers with emojis to hehe 🥸

I woke up to someone staring at me with light pastel pink hair followed along with blue and yellow streaks that ran through his wavey locks.

"Your up finally, I was about to shove my hand down your throat if you hadn't." He said bluntly with a mocking voice while rising his head up to look down at me from a distance and poked my side.

I squirmed around trying to get away from his devilish hands. He laughed at me and turned around looking at the mirror by my dresser fixing his hair and then looked back down at me with a smirk, I huffed at him knowing what he was about to say.

"I'm still more handsome." He said while admiring his face posing as if he was infront of a camera.

"Pft, keep dreaming yeonjun or should I say OLD MAN." I threw a pillow at him and got a angered faced in response as if he was plotting my death at that moment. He grabbed a bunch of tissues from a small box and raised his hand aiming for my mouth and was about to attack but was stopped by a youthful looking women in a white dress with sunglasses sitting on top of her head and a bag in hand A.K.A my mom of course.

"CHOI YEONJUN WHAT IN THE SATAN SPAWN ARE YOU DOING?" She yelled and hit yeonjun in the back of the head crossing her arms waiting for a apology and some excuse.

"I-.. I'm not even try to make excuses." He admitted and looked at her and bowed with guilt like a little boy who was caught stealing a chocolate bar from a rack of candies. Believe it or not he's not my brother but my cousin who spends most is time here well because he has no one else to look after him other then my my mom because his own parents are busy and never really spent time with him as a child and even now because of "work." so he would come over almost every day since he was 5. This house was basically his home and my mom was like a parent figure toward him since young so we've always had a brotherly bond along with my 2 other siblings who also had a sibling bond with him.

I rolled my eyes and stood up giving my mom the Dont do it please look while looking back at yeonjun with a small smile and shoo'd my mom away telling her to leave us alone while she walked away late for work.

"Why do you always do that it annoys me you know.. " Yeonjun looked at me and silently gulped down his guilt and walked out my room not even bothering to look at me hating that I always stood up for him even if his actions were wrong, he accepted the punishments but I always stepped in not allowing it. I thought he would've liked that, so he could get away but I guess not.

I picked up my phone that was sitting at the aside of my bed and looked at the time.
6:00 am I read looking at the clock and sat there for a moment while I processed everything. "It's so early.. and I have nothing to do since everybody's busy."

I whined and looked at my dresser that had the cute gift for.. uh what was his name again?
OH YEA BANG CHAN. I totally forgot his name. My thoughts were scattered everywhere with dumb crap and memories. I sat up and stretched for a bit rubbing my eyes and yawning.

I walked over to my closet picking out a oversized smiley face hoodie that was a light yellow and some white shorts that went a little above my knees paired with some white air-forces
and plane white socks that went past my ankles. I walked over to my bathroom and looked at the reflection noticing how my pink hair was light but looked a bit weird.

"I should probably re-dye my hair." I opened a small cabinet full of hair stuff and rummaged around looking for a small container of pink hair dye but it was no where to be found and ended up finding some leftover bleach that I used a couple months ago. I didn't really mind having light blonde hair again so i used what I had and took a shower. I got out the shower and got dressed blow trying my hair and putted on a light perfume I rarely used.

I applied a little bit of makeup just to make my skin a little more clear giving me more of the innocent look. I walked over to my phone and looked at the time it was now 6:40 am still very early. My eyes traced over to the white basket with the white bow and stuff inside, suddenly a idea popped inside my head. " I could go visit that boy today since I have the gift and it's a weekend + I'd have nothing else to do since everyone else is busy." I smiled ear to ear and I felt my heart flutter looking at the gift although it was just a gift for some classmate it still felt special somehow and it was odd.

I picked the gift up and went down stairs grabbing a juice pouch and keys that were on the counter top left there for me and yeonjun if we went somewhere. I locked the doors  also checking up on yeonjun to see he was peacefully asleep on his bed cuddling with a stuff animal while cartoons played. I opened the front door and closed it shut, walking over to the side of the house unlocking my bike and hopped on putting the keys in my pockets and gift in my big pocket of my hoodie. I was just about to go but where the hell would I be going? I have no clue which hospital he's at and i cant contact his parents at all..

I slapped my face and sighed pulling out my phone and texted Han


Hey han do you happen to know which hospital bangchan is?

What kind of creepy question is that..

It's not creepy!? I'm asking cuz I wanna visit,, you know 😑

ohhh.. I see~ Jeez Felix you could've atleast waited until he was out of the hospital 😉


Wait, so you weren't going to get yourself some dick.. 😢

Now why the hell would I need to do that-
I wanna lose my virginity to someone i actually love
Anyways, not some popular guy I don't know :/

Yea yea anyways here's the address ******* *** *****
Seen by Yongbokie


Double update ;)

Words: 1148
Any predictions for next chapter?

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