Woodbine Ave (Nikki Sixx)

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"37 Woodbine Ave," you muttered to yourself. Your eye's squinting at each house number. "Seriously though, Sinister, I think he gave me the wrong address."

Sinister, your German Shepard, sat staring out the window as if he too was, checking the house numbers.

"Ah-ha!" you triumphantly cried out. "Here we are, number 37 Woodbine Ave."

You pulled up to the enormous black gate. Two lion statues stood on either side of the entrance, glaring down at you. The gate circled the circumference of the property. Most of it was concealed behind a tall hedge and the swaying leaves of a weeping willow.

Taking a nervous breath, you hopped out of the car. You inspected the enormous gates there, wasn't anything to open it. Out of your peripheral vision, you noticed a small button. Without, hesitation you pressed it.

"Hello? Who is it?" asked a voice out of nowhere. It sounded thick with sleep and, to be honest, slightly grumpy.

"Where are you?" you questioned, turning your head from side to side.

"Hello?" Came the voice again, sounding extremely annoyed. The voice was coming from a small speaker just above your head.

'I'm such an idiot,' you mentally groaned.

Pressing the button again, except this time you held it.


"Stop! Stop. You keep ringing to the doorbell," the voice yelled, interrupting your apology. "Press and hold the red button beside the speaker. It has the word 'Hold' written on it."

Your face was blazing with embarrassment. Quickly you pressed the red button.

"I'm so sorry! I've never been to a house with a gate. I'm really sorry." You felt like breaking down into a puddle of tears.

"Well, you woke me up from my much-needed sleep!"

That was it. You made a simple mistake and, he's acting like an asshole.

"Well, listen, Nikki Felton! You have zero manners! I don't waste my time with immature people like you, so goodbye!"

Turning, you stomped of towards your Mustang.

"Wait! Please wait," Nikki called out, using a much softer tone.

Pausing mid-step, you pondered whether to join this idiot for a date or leave and cry at home. Deciding on the first option, you stalked over to the speaker.

"Well, I'm listening."

"Um... I didn't catch your name."

"Y/N. From the Falcon Pub last night."

Nikki paused for a minute, probably raking his brain trying to remember from the dozens of girls he flirted with.

"Ah yes, the girl with the GNR shirt. I'll get the gate."

You walked back to your car, waiting for the gates to swing open. Within a couple of minutes, you drove through the gateway and up the driveway. Huge pine and maple trees lined the driveway, making it look like a forest.

Your eyes widened as a massive mansion came into view. It has a five-car garage opened displaying ferries and motorcycles. The two large oak front doors were pulled open by none other than Nikki Sixx.

"What! Holy shit," you whisper screamed. He looked so different from last night. He had been wearing a hoodie that covered his hair and no make-up.

"Hey, Y/N!" he hailed, smiling at you.

Pushing the car door fully open, you smiled shyly.

"Umm... hi. Sorry about the whole gate thing."

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