I need sour patch kids (David Bowie)

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"I have the snacks!" you called opening the door to your friend David Bowie's apartment.

"Yeahh! I'm over here!"

Stepping into the living room you saw David sitting on top of a mountain of pillows.

"Wait a minute," David said, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Did you buy sour patch kids?"

"Wait ... I forgot them! Well, I guess you'll have to go without them tonight," you sarcastically answered, grinning back at him. "Just kidding! I wouldn't even dare stepping foot in here without your precious sour patch kids."

"Haha, very funny. But I would indeed have kicked you out. Anyways I've decided we should watch Dirty Dancing. Have you seen it?" David asked tearing open his bag of sour patches.

"No, I haven't. It came out last year and all my friends have been raving about it," you answered grabbing a beer. You glanced up at the Tv to see the words Dirty Dancing written in cursive. "Why am I not surprised that you've it paused right at the writing?"

"Because people always pause it before or after the writing. The reason for the title is because you're supposed to pause it right at that moment," he answered cracking open a beer.

"All right, all right. I feel like I'm being scolded."

"Wait wait. You have to chug the whole beer."


"Because it makes the movie better," David answered chugging his can with ease.

Following his lead, you completely chugged your can. Giggling you both pulled the blankets up around your crossed legs.

After about half an hour you both were giggling like idiots. Beer cans littered the floor.

"Ohh, we're getting a little frisky," David commented laughing at Johnny Castle who was dancing up against some girl.

"Wait a second! Were's my Twizzlers! I swear I put them down right here," you panicked.

"I think you had a beer too many."

"Oh, and it's not like you didn't drink an entire 6 pack."

"Well I'm not as petite as you," he said smirking at you. He loved to tease you about how short you are.

"All right, now you'll get it." Letting out an evil laugh you pounced on David tickling him.

"Oh my god! S-stop! HAHA."

"I won't stop until you tell me where my Twizzlers went."

"Okay okay! I surrender!"

Smiling with satisfaction you held out your hand expectantly.

Pulling out from under a pillow was an empty Twizzler bag. Sheepishly David grinned, "Well I don't know what happened to the others."

"Now you're getting it," you uttered, evilly rubbing your hands together.

"Now, now, let's play nice." Turning he jumped out of your way only to get his ankle caught in a blanket. Falling flat on his face.

"Oh my god, David are you okay?" you asked kneeling beside him.

"I am now!" he said, flipping you. "Now it's my turn to tickle you."

"If you do I'll eat all of your sour patch kids."

"Oh, you're trying to bribe me. I see how it is," David answered chuckling. "Well, I guess I could leave you alone for right now. But be prepared I do have a few tricks up my sleeve."

"All right, magician I will be ready."

Laughing you both shook hands on a peace treaty for just that evening.

Author's Note: Sorry this imagine was so short I wasn't feeling too motivated today. Anywho I hope you enjoyed :)

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